Darkest Power – The Dark Ones Saga Read Online Rachel Van Dyken

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 64
Estimated words: 62637 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 313(@200wpm)___ 251(@250wpm)___ 209(@300wpm)

I’m still stuck on the tails, but I nod anyway, even as I will them to return. Not seeing them feels like being naked and exposed, without any sort of protection from the elements or from things that might want to hurt me.

“Immortal family dinner tonight.” He starts pacing in front of me. “Are you doing okay?”

Loaded question. I’m still mourning the loss of tails I never knew I had but remember touching years ago. I frown. How many years?

Lifetimes? Past loves?

And now some random god I just met is hellbent on going to the Abyss, wherever that is, to find out how to rescue me? When did I ever ask for rescue? And why does it feel so familiar? Like he’s done this countless times and in each of those times…

He lost.

I shake the dark thoughts from my head. “Yeah, I think my shift starts soon. Can I… um… maybe join you for dinner tonight since you just dropped a bomb on me and Horus just left muttering something crazy about the Abyss. And what is the Abyss anyway?” I hope my inquiry sounds casual, but clearly, it doesn’t because Cassius doesn’t answer. Maybe it’s best that I don’t know. Maybe the silence is the only response I’m going to get.

I touch my lips.

It burns where Horus kissed me, and I could have sworn it wasn’t the first kiss between us.

I’m still overanalyzing everything when Tarek comes barreling out of the kitchen. “Geez, Horus is in a mood, I passed by him on the stairway, and he didn’t even give me a high five, just grunted and said something about beads. Is he taking an art class we don’t know about?”

Next to me, Cassius stiffens.

“Anyway…” Tarek tosses each of us a Red Bull. “Family dinner starts at midnight, don’t be late. Please, for the love of gods, come to dinner. It’s so boring without drama, and I think you guys will bring plenty of it. Oh, by the way, your tail’s showing.”

I gasp and look behind me.

He cackles. “Never letting that one go.”

“Tail?” Cassius looks behind me.

“Stop staring at her ass.” Tarek laughs. “Ah, sometimes I love my gifts; other times, I’m annoyed at how damn good I am at using them. Could have sworn you saw what I saw, but maybe it’s different for angels with one percent evil in them.”

Cassius glares. “Watch it.”

“Cheers.” Tarek lifts his Red Bull. “So I take it Horus has left the building in order to brood and prepare?”

“The Abyss.” I frown again, wishing I understood more. “He said something about past lives, saving me, and the Abyss.”

Tarek stops mid-drink and lowers his can, his eyes going unfocused. “Are you sure that’s what he said?”

“I was here,” Cassius adds. “I can only see the possibilities of his choice; I have no idea if he’ll—”

“Make it,” Tarek finishes. “Well, that kind of ruins family dinner before it even starts.”

“What do you mean ‘make it’?” I ask though I am absolutely certain I really don’t want to know.

Tarek and Cassius share a look before the door to the apartment is shoved open, revealing Timber, looking ready to go to war. “Where is it?”

“Away,” Cassius says. “To a place you cannot travel.”

Timber’s grin is downright sinister. He moves his head, and the overhead lighting flashes on his blond hair, even though it’s shaved close to his head. His eyes go black. “Watch me, angel.”

“Cease.” Cassius holds up his hand. The entire room drops in temperature. “You may have been the lord of the underworld at one point, Timber, but right now, I have more power than you do, and the Creator has already made their choice. The best thing for you is to wish your brother good luck before he leaves and to help protect the reason he’s leaving in the first place.”

All eyes fall to me.

A chill washes over me, and I gulp.

Timber goes still, his eyes lock lifelessly on mine. His all-black suit suddenly seems to match the mood of the entire room and his teeth clench. “What if he doesn’t survive?”

“Your guilt betrays you.” Cassius crosses his arms. “He saved you, so you want to save him, but that’s not your journey, Timber. That’s your guilt. Go grab chicken for family dinner.”

Timber shifts on both feet, staring down at the ground. His hands shake at his sides. Clearly, he doesn’t want to move in any direction other than his brother, but after a minute during which no one speaks or even moves, he nods his head. “Chicken.”

“Chicken,” Cassius repeats. “Just focus on the chicken.”

“This life,” Timber says. “Not easy.”

Cassius’s lips form into a sad smile. “Life was never meant to be easy; it was meant to be long, filled with turmoil. Nothing lasts forever. There are only hellos and goodbyes. The point of life isn’t to live forever, even as an immortal. It’s to live for each small moment. Right now, yours just happens to involve chicken and a family dinner. Baby steps, god of the underworld, baby steps.”


