Damaged (Boys of Winter #2) Read Online Sheridan Anne

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, Dark, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Boys of Winter Series by Sheridan Anne

Total pages in book: 143
Estimated words: 131926 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 660(@200wpm)___ 528(@250wpm)___ 440(@300wpm)

My hands slide up his bare chest, being careful not to fuck with his tattoo. I loop them around his neck, and as I do, his hand slides under the fabric of my tank and I groan into him, loving the feel of his warm skin against mine. It’s like fire meeting ice, both of us cancelling one another out until there’s absolutely nothing left.

He moves back onto the table until he’s sitting and instantly picks me up, the awkward angle just proof of his incredible strength. He pulls me right into him and doesn’t put me down until I’m straddled over his lap, instantly feeling his hardening cock between my legs.

I grind down against him as our kisses grow faster, deeper, and even more desperate, and as they do, I know that I have to have him now. I can’t possibly wait any longer. This has been too long coming and I can’t wait a second more.

His lips drop to my neck and I moan into him, pressing my chest harder against his and aching for so much more—more that I’m not sure he’s willing to give. At least, not yet, but Grayson Beckett has a way of surprising me. I think out of all four of the guys, Grayson has surprised me the most.

He’s so strong and demanding, forceful and protective, yet at the same time, he’s incredibly sweet, caring, and loyal. He’s everything a girl could ever dream of. Not to mention, he’s hot as fuck with a pair of grey stormy eyes that could leave a girl drowning.

A moan slips from between my lips as his dominant kisses work their way up to the sensitive spot beneath my ear. “Fuck, Grayson,” I breathe as my nails dig into his warm skin.

My soft moan only spurs him on, and within seconds, he pulls my tank over my head and reaches for my bra. It falls between us and he quickly tosses it to the side. His gaze scans over me, getting hungrier by the second. “Fucking hell, Elodie. You’re—”

My nails roam up into his hair as his eyes come back to mine. “Shut up and kiss me.”

He doesn’t disappoint.

Grayson’s lips crush against mine, kissing me with a brand-new urgency. His hand travels down my body until it’s firmly against my ass, squeezing tight and telling me exactly how this is going to go. He’s going to be like King, hard and fast and filled with dominance. I’ll be lucky if he hands over control and lets me take the reins, but I’m here for it. There’s just something about Grayson that makes me trust him completely. If he wants control, then I’ll fucking give it to him willingly.

We hear the soft thud of the store door opening and closing and Grayson reluctantly pulls back. “Shit, babe. We can’t be doing this here.”

“Don’t you dare stop,” I groan, pulling him back to me and roaming my lips over the sensitive skin of his neck. “We’ve been waiting too long for this. Who knows when you and I will ever be on the same page again. Lock the fucking door if you have to, but we’re not leaving this room until I’m screaming your name. I want to feel you for days.”

A grin pulls at the corner of his mouth as a deep growl rumbles through his chest. “Fuck it.”

In one smooth motion, Grayson’s arm curls around my waist and he flips us over until I’m laying back on the table. A soft needy gasp pulls from deep within me as I stare up at him with wide, excited eyes. What the hell is this? I don’t even remember how we got here. One minute I was watching the tattoo artist work, and the next thing I know, Grayson is about to tear me to shreds in the best way possible. All I know is that I have to have him now, and if I don’t, heads are going to roll.

Grayson stares down at me, and the hunger in his eyes is almost enough to have me coming on the spot, but I won’t dare. I have a feeling that I’m in for a treat and I’ll be damned if I fuck it up now.

The grin across his face is doing all sorts of things to my body, but it’s his skin upon mine that really gets me. He’s like fire, burning me up in all the best ways. I feel like I’ve been waiting a lifetime for this, but the look in his eyes tells me that he’s been waiting a shitload longer.

Grayson pulls back, looking down at my body and scanning his heated, dark stare over my curves, my tits, hips and waist. He brushes his fingers over my skin and sends goosebumps soaring over me, making me squirm beneath his touch. A shiver trails down my spine and I can’t help but clench my thighs as the need pulses through me.


