Daddy Unleashed – Montana Daddies Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, Kink Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 152
Estimated words: 155037 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 775(@200wpm)___ 620(@250wpm)___ 517(@300wpm)

She missed him terribly.

Isa hated being alone.

She turned the radio up loud to try and drown out her thoughts. And to keep herself awake.

Her job was in Stepford, which meant she had a forty minute commute each way.

Loki’s four-bedroom log house was isolated and it had the most gorgeous views. Loki liked the quiet and solitude. He wouldn’t be able to cope with close neighbors.

And they wouldn’t cope with his outside bathtub obsession.

Yes, he liked to bathe outside.

No, he didn’t wear anything. At all.

Isa didn’t mind living in the middle of nowhere when Loki was there with her. But being out here on her own was something she’d never really gotten used to.

Lights shone from behind her. When her vision cleared, she watched a car approaching in the rearview mirror.

“Shit, they’re going fast.”

Nerves filled her.

She inched up her speed, but she was already going ten miles over the speed limit.

She loved speed. And fast cars. If Loki had let her get the car she’d wanted to buy, she could’ve easily gotten away from this dick behind her.

Instead, he’d made her buy this ultra-safe, ultra-boring SUV. He’d told her it would be safer for her to drive it in snowy conditions. Although when it was really bad, he would always insist on driving her.

The driver swerved out onto the other lane then back in behind her.

What was he doing?

Fear thrummed through her, making her mouth go dry and her heart race. She felt ill. What should she do? Pull over?

But what if that was what the other driver wanted?

She couldn’t lead him to her house, though.

Isa really wished Loki was here right now. Because she was scared out of her mind.

Isa reached over for her handbag. Why hadn’t she grabbed her phone out when she got into the car like Loki was always telling her to do?

Because I’m a freaking idiot. That’s why.

She really needed to start listening to him more.

Finally, she managed to grab her bag. But then the other car swerved out, racing right along next to her. She jolted, knocking her bag off the seat and everything went flying.

Her enormous handbag carried her life in it. There would be stuff everywhere.

Wait. Bluetooth. God, she was an idiot.

Just as she was about to speak, the other vehicle slid right in front of her. She had to slam on her brakes to avoid him, pulling the steering wheel to the side so her car avoided going into the back of his.

Her car spun and then came to an abrupt stop as the passenger side slammed into a tree.

Isa snapped forward, her body pressing against the belt. The breath whooshed from her lungs and there was a ringing in her ears. When she finally managed to suck in some air, it helped clear her head.

She glanced around.

I’m all right. I’m okay.

She sat still for a long moment, trying to take stock of what had happened.

That asshole ran her off the road!

One slow breath, then another. Was she hurt?

She was shaken, likely bruised. But she thought she was basically unharmed.

What to do first . . . she couldn’t think.

Deep breath in. Let it out.

Get out. Get your phone. Call Loki.

Tears dripped down her face as she remembered why she couldn’t do that.

Damn it.

All she wanted right now was her best friend. He’d know what to do. He always knew what to do when it came to taking care of her.

What would Loki tell her to do?

Make sure you’re uninjured.

Check. Mostly.

Grab your phone. Call help.

After a few attempts, she managed to undo her seatbelt. Then she reached over with a groan as her body protested. But everything in her handbag had spilled out everywhere and she couldn’t see her phone.


She sucked in a shuddering breath. She needed to get out. See how bad the damage was. Then try to find her phone again.

Turning off the car, she climbed out with a whimper. It felt like her entire body was trembling. It took her three tries to open the back of the SUV and reach in to grab her emergency kit.

Well, the emergency kit that Loki put together and made her drive around with.

Thank God.

After grabbing a flashlight, she moved to the other side of the SUV. Actually, it wasn’t so bad. Just a few scratches down the side, but nothing that she wouldn’t be able to drive with.

Now she just had to get back into her car.

Before she could even take a step, though, her legs collapsed out from under her and she landed hard on the ground.

Okay. Shit.

Maybe she couldn’t drive.

Drawing her legs up to her chest, she leaned her forehead on her knees and took some shallow breaths.

She had this. She could do it. All she had to do was get up, turn around, open the door and find her phone.

That was it.


