Cyrus Read Online Jessica Gadziala (The Henchmen MC #9)

Categories Genre: Biker, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Henchmen MC Series by Jessica Gadziala

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 79007 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 395(@200wpm)___ 316(@250wpm)___ 263(@300wpm)

Luckily, it was all Cyrus needed.

His cock pressed deeper, always pausing to let me adjust before he gave me more, until he was buried to the hilt.

My butt ground back against him, knowing how badly I needed the motion, not needing softness, needing release.

"Cyrus, please," I begged.

"Please what?" he asked, voice teasing. "Just once, Ree. I need to hear it from you just once."

I knew what he was asking, and why he was asking it. Because I never used those words, because he wanted to be the one to get me to.

And because it was him, I actually felt comfortable enough to.

"Please fuck me."

"There it is," he said, the approval sending a fluttering through my belly. "Good girl," he added as he dropped his hips, then immediately slammed back inside me.

There was no exploring, no gentle introduction.

We were both too far gone for that.

His thumb moved to my clit as two fingers pressed inside my pussy, and his cock fucked my ass, each thrust making my whole upper body jerk. His free hand moved up to slide under my shirt, slipping into the cup of my bra, and squeezing my breast, rolling my nipple.

"That's it," Cy growled near my ear, his thrusts getting even harder, deeper. "Come for me," he demanded as his fingers turned inside me, raking over my G-spot as his cock kept filling me, as his thumb worked my clit.

And then, I did.

And I was pretty sure the entire world ceased to exist for a moment as an almost blinding, alarmingly intense pleasure started forcing its way through my system.

I was still riding the waves when Cyrus planted deep, folding over me, and therefore forcing me to fold forward, as he came with my name hissing from his lips.

I didn't know how long we stayed like that. It felt like hours, like days, yet still somehow not long enough to recover fully.

A while later - but too soon - Cyrus planted a kiss into the side of my neck as he slowly pulled out of me, then reached down to pull my pants back into place before he moved down the hall toward the bathroom.

I forced a long, deep breath that felt uneven still as I moved over toward my living room couch on shaky legs, easing myself down, and trying to force any kind of rational thought back into my head.

It was useless.

It was all a mushy mess up there.

Cy came back a moment later, head tilted to the side, watching me as he walked up, then dropping down onto the coffee table in front of me. His hands went to my knees, giving them a small squeeze.

"You okay?" All I could manage was a nod. "Sure?" Ah, yeah, more nodding. "A little come-drunk?" he asked with a small smile.

I could find a word then. Just a single one, but it counted. "Yeah."

"Can't say I hate hearing that," he told me with a very satisfied smile I certainly couldn't begrudge him. "Not too much?"

I shook my head, reaching for the hand on my knee, and pulling him until he came onto the couch beside me. Swiveling on my butt so my legs went over his lap, I tucked my head under his chin, smiling when his beard half-covered my face, filling my nose with the smell of his beard oil. It was the most comforting smell in the world, I swear.

There wasn't even a pause before his arms went around me, before his lips pressed down into the top of my hair.

"I'm sorry my brothers bothered you at the compound," I remembered to tell him a little while later.

"Don't be. They are looking out for you, Ree. I have a sister. I respect that."

"I want to meet her," I admitted. "And your brother."

"You will," he promised, giving me a squeeze. "And I will meet your mom and sister and aunts and grandma and in-laws and friends on Sunday." My head tilted up, brows lowered. "I'm invited to Sunday dinner," he told me, smiling, touching my chin.

"Oh, that's going to be interesting."


Reese - 6 days later

"Why are you so nervous?" Cy asked as we pulled up in front of my mother's townhouse.

"I'm not nervous!" Yeah, I totally said that way too quickly and in way too high a pitch.

Truth be told, I was absolutely nervous.

I had never brought a man to Sunday dinner before. Sure, I had dated a few who I probably should have introduced my family to, but I guess I always knew it was temporary and didn't want to have my family get their hopes up about me settling down.

Honestly, I had no plans on bringing Cyrus so soon either. Not because I didn't see us going somewhere because we totally were. I just wanted to be able to keep him to myself a while longer.


