Cruel Devotion – Ambw Mafia Romance Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 108768 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 544(@200wpm)___ 435(@250wpm)___ 363(@300wpm)

I blinked.

Okay. . .this man went from virgin monk to freaky ass motherfucker.

On the fourth cart, there were bondage ropes, ball gags, silk ribbons, and an exorbitant amount of lube.

Slowly, I turned up to look at Lei's crazy ass.

A devilish smirk spread across his face. “Are you ready?”

“Well. . .” I tried to gather my words.

Meanwhile, the staff that brought in the carts, hurried out of there.

The orchestra began putting on dark blue blindfolds.

But those three women, they just remained standing by the bed.

“Moni, are you ready?”

I looked back at him. “Well, I have several questions.”

“Questions?” Laughing, he guided me into the room. “It's too late for that.”

Chapter thirty-two

Mine to Touch. Mine to Explore.


We walked deeper into the space, and Lei interlocked his fingers with mine.

Keeping his slow pace, I gazed at him. “Those women by the bed?”

A wicked smirk played on his face. “Yes?”

“Why are they here?”

“Those are the Keepers.”


“They keep the Mountain Master’s secrets.”

I sucked my teeth. “That’s not an answer. You know what I want to know.”

He laughed. “And what do you want to know, Moni?”

“What are they going to do? Is this about to be an orgy or something?”

He stopped us in the center of the space, faced me, and an intense expression hit his face.

My breath caught in my throat.

He tilted his head to the side. “You think I could share you?”

I held my hands out. “Lots of men would love to have sex with four women in one moment.”

Silent, he studied me.

I pointed to him. “You, yourself, said you typically have the whole harem performing in your bed. And right now, these women are by your bed. What else would I think?”

“You’re right about the harem. It took several of them to pleasure me.” Lei’s eyes darkened with desire as he leaned in closer. Barely an inch ran between his mouth and the side of my face. His breath warmed against my ear. “But I already know. . .I could never be okay with anyone else touching you. Not a man. Not a woman. No one.”

His words sent shivers down my spine.

He brushed his lips against the shell of my ear. “They’re here to help.”

My body tingled. “H-help with what?”

“Hmmm.” Stepping back, he guided me away. “Begin.”


At his command, the blindfolded orchestra lifted their instruments in unison. Bows rose in poised hands. Flutes pressed to eager lips. The harp nestled against heaving breasts.

Lei caught me watching the musicians. “Do you like that they will be here?”

“Well. . .” I scanned all of their faces and the thick blue fabric shielding their eyes. “This is certainly a first.”

Still leading me forward, Lei traced soft circles along my palm. “They’re called, the Sky Whisperers. They don’t play traditional songs or anything ever written down.”

“Then, what do they play?”

“Whatever the feeling of the room tells them to play.”

“So like. . .an orchestra mood ring?”

He chuckled. “Pretty much.”

“But how is that possible?”

“Only kids with heightened senses can join.” He stopped me by the carts adorned with adult toys. “And then they are trained for the rest of their childhood to not just play their instrument but to feel and interpret the subtle energies and emotions in their surroundings.”

“And how do you learn that?”

“Deep meditation, sensory exercises.” Lei let go of my hand. “The orchestra’s blindfolds shut out the visual world.”


Lei walked over to the carts and began perusing each one. “This allows the musicians to tune in more acutely to the vibrations and aura of the room.”

And then the orchestra began to play , enveloping the space in ethereal music that twirled and spun in the air.


While their eyes may have been veiled, they performed with precision.

Almost supernatural.

As if guided by an unseen force. The captivating sound seductively blended the strings with the woodwinds.

Lei looked up and studied me. “This is our energy right now. That’s what they feel.”

The song was beautiful, yet slightly disconcerting.

Haunting and enchanting all at the same time.

Each note caressed my skin.

This blissful sensation hummed through my body.

How could I not surrender to the symphony?

How could I not let it wash over me like the biggest ocean wave?

Shoving my body down below the surface of reality.

Drowning me in the beauty.

I trembled in delight, and a flute mirrored that rippling sound.

Then, the large bedroom doors opened, drawing my attention.

Two men entered, maneuvering a colossal object that instantly dominated the room’s already extravagant atmosphere.

What the fuck is this?

The men brought the huge thing over and stopped it three feet in front of us.

I took it all in.

Standing taller than the men, the huge thing must have been some sort of. . .bondage wheel, and I could not deny that it was one of the most imposing items in the space. Thick leather straps were attached to various areas of the wheel, promising to secure whoever was placed on it in a vulnerable and exposed position.


