Cruel Devotion – Ambw Mafia Romance Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 108768 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 544(@200wpm)___ 435(@250wpm)___ 363(@300wpm)

We continued to fly over the property, I could see stone pathways winding through the garden, leading to various corners—a small pavilion, a rock garden, etc.

Unlike the shitty building and neighborhood that we lived in, T.T. would have all types of natural places to run around and breathe in fresh air.

Then, there was that garden.

I put my view back on that.

I'm going to plant so many things. In fact. . .ALL THE THINGS!

Stunned, I shook my head. “That's really Lotus Blossom?”

“It is. You'll get the keys before we leave.”

I remained frozen in shock.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

There was no doubt that once Jo saw that house, she would bring up my possibility of hoeing for it again. I mean. . .if one were to hoe for a house, this was it.

At the very thought, a delirious chuckle left me.

I covered my mouth. “Wow.”

“I'm really loving your reactions.”

“My mind is blown.”

“Oh well if Lotus Blossom blew you away then wait until you see my place.”

The helicopter blades sliced through the air with a rhythmic whoosh, and I pressed my face closer to the small window like a kid outside a candy store, eager for a glimpse of our destination.

My breath caught as soon as the Palace emerged.

Jesus Christ.

The helicopter banked gently, bringing the palace into full view.

Its splendor was undeniable.

I didn't want to say it aloud but the palace looked like it leaped right out of one of the martial arts movies I had seen as a child.

I tried to think of the name.

I just remembered the story dealt with dueling emperors.

Pressure built in my chest as I tried to take it all in.

Actually, it wasn't a palace. . .it was more like a massive complex. A cascade of tiered buildings, each adorned with sky blue and gold and upturned eaves.

A lake stood in front of it. The Palace's reflection on the calm body of water below was so precise, so pristine, that it was hard to tell where the real Palace ended and the mirrored image began.

It was crazy but I almost fucking cried from the beauty.

Lowering a little, the helicopter continued forward and I saw what looked to be a large group of monks in dark blue robes, praying near the palace.

The whir of the helicopter blades became a backdrop to my racing thoughts as Lei spoke, “This is Blue Phoenix.”

“It's like it's straight out of a dream.”

“My father got the idea from one of his favorite movies, Dance of the Phoenix Blade.”

I chuckled.

Yes. That's the movie.

As we got to the back of this massive palace, the helicopter began its gentle descent, gliding towards a helipad nestled near.

I was met with the sight of a line of people wearing sky-blue clothes and white gloves.

Uh. . .who are they?

I counted twenty people—men and women.

The rotors slowed, and the helicopter touched down.

Lei tenderly squeezed my hand. “Ready to go inside?”

I should have been, but I was actually pretty terrified.


I gulped. “I'm ready.”

“Good.” Lei let go of my hand.

The doors slid open, and a wave of fresh air infused with the scent of flowers swept into the cabin.

Oh shit. This is crazy.

We undid our seat belts and rose.

Here we go.

Lei grabbed my hand and we stepped onto the helipad.

And I swear on everything, as soon as Lei's feet touch the ground, the twenty people bowed and remained bent over like that.

I did my best to look natural like this was everyday shit for me, but. . .

Wow. How the hell did I get here? Is this really happening?

Of course I had seen him in Mountain Master mode but doing it by a massive palace in a huge district of a city was another.

He might as well have been the president.

Lei led the way, guiding us by the bowed people.

This is so crazy. They are really about this Four Aces life.

Excited and freaking out all at the same time, I gazed back at the palace and kept Lei’s pace.

My heart boomed in my ears.

It was so damn overwhelming.

And they want me to be Mountain Mistress?

The potential of a life within these walls was pretty much impossible to take root in my mind. I couldn't see myself calling this home. Nowhere in my life did my living like some queen occur to me.

I mean for god's sake Lotus Blossom was already going to take a lot to get used to.

But this palace? Blue Phoenix? No way.

Chapter twenty-six

Blue Phoenix


My heart pounded as I kept a firm grip on Monique’s soft hand and led her toward the Palace’s grand entrance.

This all has to go just right for her. If anyone messes this up. . .I’m breaking necks.

My thoughts drifted to the plans I had for us, the experiences I wanted to share with her. I imagined us exploring not just the hidden corners of the Palace but the hidden corners of our bodies.


