Cruel Devotion – Ambw Mafia Romance Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 108
Estimated words: 108768 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 544(@200wpm)___ 435(@250wpm)___ 363(@300wpm)

“It has been noted.”

Banks’s voice went ice-cold too. “There’s rules to this shit. You remember that?”

“I do.”

“If Lei’s intention is to go beyond friendship with Moni then he is to come to me and get proper permission.”

“What?” I lowered my hands. “Why would he have to do that?”

“Syndicate code.”

“Okay. This gangster stuff is getting out of hand. I am a grown woman who makes my own decisions.”

Banks remained in front of Chen. “You hear me, buddy?”

Chen gave him a fake smile. “I hear you.”

“I know Chanel’s death rocked Lei’s world. Shit. It rocked mine and I wasn’t even that close to her.” Banks bobbed his head. “Taking the body and shit is fucking bonkers but I wasn’t judging. In fact, I’m the main person who kept Marcelo from going after you all, after that whole funeral home stunt. Lei was grieving. I told Marcelo to let it go.”

“I thank you for that.”

“But you chose green clothes instead of yellow or red when you all did that funeral home-body snatching stunt.” Banks tilted his head to the side. “Why?”

“There was no logic behind it.”

“I doubt that, Chen. You’re smart.” Banks’s face twisted into an ugly sneer. “I bet you were the one who told him to put on green. Probably thought that out of all the factions in the Syndicate, we were the ones you could handle one-on-one if war came.”

Chen remained silent.

“I’m here to tell you that your thoughts were wrong.” Banks snarled. “The amount of men and weapons on our side are God-level. You’ve been warned.”

Chen raised his hand to adjust his tie and then lowered it. “The Syndicate’s foundation is shaky. A smart man would say that it would be smarter for us to unite then divide.”

“Yet, my cousin is with you.”

“Her relation to you was not known until it was too late.”

Determined to assert myself, I attempted to grab their attention. “Banks, I chose to be with them.”

“And for that, Moni, I’m going to be patient.”

Chen nodded. “Your patience has also been noted and appreciated.”

“Good. Because now that Moni is involved and my uncle has been killed by the Four Aces’ past Mountain Master, my patience is very close to taking a clear dive into the realm of wanting to shoot every asshole wearing blue and setting fire to the East.”

“Wow.” I gently touched Bank’s arm. “We’re not doing that, cuz. They’ve been good to me.”

“They better be.” Banks took a step back and moved my hand from his arm. “Because I’m just waiting for a reason.”

Chen sighed. “I assure you that Lei has been respectable to your cousin and will continue to do so—”

“And she will wear white.” Banks scowled. “If Lei wants to put blue on my cousin then make sure a fucking ring is on her finger too.”

I widened my eyes. “Hey. . .can we just calm down?”

Banks pointed at Chen’s head. “I should put holes in your fucking skull for that move. Lei knew what he was doing, putting blue on her. Soon as you realized Moni came from the South, you should have hit my line.”

Chen’s smile disappeared. “As you have already said, Lei has not been thinking properly due to Chanel’s death. Therefore, I ask that you see this as a mistake and not disrespect.”

“Monique is not Chanel. Lei better not bring that obsession-stalker shit my cousin’s way.” Banks’s voice rose. “You understand me, Mr. Deputy Mountain Master!”

I shivered.

Chen’s mini army reacted, taking a synchronized step our way and pulling out their weapons.

The sea of green rippled, yanking out guns and sharpened items.

“Okay.” I rubbed my hands together. “I think everyone has said what they needed to say—”

“You see Marcelo around here?” Banks gestured behind him. “Do you, Chen?”

“I don’t see him.”

“You’re smart.” Banks tapped the side of his head. “What do you think that means?”

“I would assume that Marcelo’s absence means that you didn’t think he would be able to control his temper, if he was here.”

What the fuck?

Banks winked. “You would be right.”

Chen’s voice remained steady, cutting through the tension. “Banks, I would like you to imagine that the love of your life has been killed by your father and now you seek revenge, this would mean that your mental state is not in the best—”

“None of that shit has anything to do with my blood!” Spit flew out of Banks’s mouth. “My! Blood!”

I shivered again and kept my voice low. “Banks, I’ve been perfectly safe here. This is unnecessary.”

A neutral expression covered Chen’s face. “We respect your concern for Monique. She is our guest—”

“No. She is a Friend of the Syndicate.” Banks smiled and there was no warmth or friendliness there. “For your information, Dima has already been brought into the fold and certified her status. Official records are in ink and logged.”

Who the hell is Dima? Official records?


