Coup De Grace Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Code 11-KPD SWAT #7)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Funny, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Code 11-KPD SWAT Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 59
Estimated words: 74641 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 373(@200wpm)___ 299(@250wpm)___ 249(@300wpm)

Downy was normally such a good natured man that it was a complete and utter surprise to see him get so worked up.

It shouldn’t have surprised me, though.

Memphis was Downy’s world.

Anything that put her into danger would be a bad thing in his book.

Downy shook his head. “We’re not even sure that’s where the threat is coming from. We only know that there is one. And that the connection is the women. I didn’t know until today, though, that that was where Memphis worked.”

Downy calmed down slightly, taking a deep breath before he said, “Fuck me.”

“Not now, darling. We’ll get to that later. After you rub my feet and brush my hair like the princess that I am,” Memphis said soothingly, rubbing Downy’s belly like she was coaxing a big beast into sleep.

I snorted out a laugh, then turned in my chair to face my brother.

He’d been awfully quiet, his face a mask of shadows as he studied the wall behind Michael’s head.

Then my eyes narrowed on the awful, heartless man and my mouth opened so I could roar at him in outrage.

“You didn’t tell me!” I yelled loudly. “Why wouldn’t she tell me? I’m her best friend, and you’re my favorite brother!”

Nico didn’t even flinch as he turned his eyes to me.

“It’s been rough. She wasn’t sure she was pregnant at first,” he said simply, shrugging in indifference. “Still not sure.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “I can’t believe you wouldn’t tell me. I tell you everything!”

He gave me a droll look.

“You tell me nothing,” he retorted.

“I tell you what you need to know! You’re delicate!” I countered.

He laughed, which was what I’d been trying to accomplish.

Turning back to the room at large, I realized my mistake.

These men didn’t find me and my mouth as funny as my brother did, and I could tell by the looks of annoyance on a few of their faces.

I closed my mouth and inadvertently scooted closer to Nico, because mean, lying, betraying brother or not, he’d always have my back.

Which he proved in the next moment by wrapping his arm around my shoulder and kissing the top of my head.

Have I mentioned I love the hell out of my brother?

“Alright, well how many of you have used this particular doctor’s office?” Luke asked, pinching the brow of his nose.

“All of them,” I muttered under my breath. “It’s the only one in Kilgore.”


I closed my eyes when I realized the silence was back and they were all staring at me.


I pulled out my phone and kept my eyes glued to it, leaning my head against Nico’s shoulder as I listened to them talk, trying my hardest not to butt in where I wasn’t wanted.

A text from my sister, Noel, came in while I was in my latest level of Candy Crush.

Noel: I got a really weird call from your mother.

Me: She’s your mother unless it was something awesome. Then she’s my mother.

Noel: She wants to know why you aren’t paying your doctor’s bills.

My brows furrowed.

Nico’s phone buzzed, and I looked over at him to see his eyes furrow.

“What?” I asked him.

“I just got a really, really weird text from mom telling me she wanted to know why you weren’t paying your doctor bills. She asked if you were low on money,” Nico said.

Michael, who’d been talking up until that point, stopped and turned to me.

“You didn’t tell me you were having trouble paying your bills,” he left that hanging, and my face flushed in embarrassment.

“I’m not having trouble. In fact, I’ve already pre-paid for the hospital as of last visit!” I replied huffily. “What the hell? Why would anyone call my mother? That’s like against the law or something…isn’t it?”

Silence fell among the room, and something huge in the air started to radiate around me.

Testosterone paired with fury started to fill the room, and I looked around at the men surrounding me as they comprehended something I hadn’t.

“What?” I asked, settling on Michael whose eyes had gone flat.

He blinked. “Call your mother. Ask her who called.”

Surprised at the way he’d spoken to me, with zero emotion at all, I did just that.

I called my mama.

Dialing her number, I put it on speaker phone and set it on the desk in front of me, keeping my eyes focused on Michael.

He didn’t look right.

In fact, he looked like he wasn’t my Michael at all.

“Nikki?” My mother answered. “What is this about you not paying your bills? You told me Michael was helping you pay when I offered to help you. Why would you lie about that? I only wanted to help you.”

A blush rose to my face and I dropped my eyes from Michael’s flat ones the moment she called me on my lying ways.

No, Michael hadn’t helped me pay.

In fact, I’d paid all eight thousand dollars that I owed out of pocket myself, and I hadn’t asked him for a thing.

Something I was regretting right now if the fury that was coming off of him was anything to go by.


“And you know, I’ve supported you even though you sinned. I will always support you. Which is why when you get the bill in the mail, I want you to bring it to me and let me pay for it,” she chastised me sternly, the only way a mother knew how. “And I told them where you and Michael worked, as well as Michael’s home address because you shouldn’t lie about something like that. Bill collectors are not fun to deal with. They’ll call you any time of day.”

I rolled my eyes.

Why wouldn’t she have just asked me herself, instead of sending a text to every one of my sisters?

“Why would you have given them my work address? And Michael’s? He’s not even on the chart at all. They shouldn’t even know his name.”

Had she been hoping that I wouldn’t hear it from my siblings?

“Lolita, this is Michael. Nikki’s paid up in full as of last week. Was it a man or a woman who called?” Michael asked abruptly.


