Coach’s Pet Read Online Alexa Riley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, New Adult, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 26
Estimated words: 24418 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 122(@200wpm)___ 98(@250wpm)___ 81(@300wpm)

The school mascot is doing its best to bounce on the trampoline and extend their arms in the air. I’ve been inside one of those suits before, and they are no joke. It’s hot as fuck inside there, and they are heavy. My school’s mascot was an eagle, and the wings were a fucking nightmare. As the guy with the cast continues to count off, the beaver flails and then falls down on the trampoline.

I chuckle as I put the equipment back in the closet and lock the door.

“Coach?” I hear someone say from behind me, and I turn around to see the guy with the broken arm standing there. “Hey, can I get your help for a second? We need a spotter.”

“Sure.” I’m used to people asking me to lift heavy things or grab the cereal box on the top shelf at the grocery store.

“I’m Bennett, by the way.” He waves a hand at the mascot that is still lying flat on the small trampoline. “And this is our new Bucky.”

The person sticks up an arm and attempts to wave it before it falls back to the trampoline. I have to bite back a laugh.

“What happened to the old one?” I raise a brow, and Bennett holds up his broken hand. “I see.”

“I think Bucky is scared they are going to fall. So I thought having someone nearby might give them confidence.”

I bend down toward the fallen beaver. “Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Bucky is under strict instructions not to speak while in uniform,” Bennett says.

I look up at him and see he’s completely serious. I guess they take their mascot as seriously as they do their football. All right then.

Turning back to the mascot, I hold out my hand. “Come on, let’s get you on your feet.”

I’m surprised when I pull them to a standing position that they are so short. Surely they’d want someone with some height for the stunts they have to do? Maybe it doesn’t matter, but clearly this person is having trouble getting it done.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” I ask for the second time.

I can hear the person in the costume let out a frustrated growl before nodding.

“Great,” Bennett calls. “Now this time I want you to jump on the trampoline and touch your toes.” The beaver’s shoulders sag, but they move into position.

“Coach?” Bennett asks.

“Coach Shay,” I tell him.

“Sorry, Coach Shay, can you stand to the left and be ready just in case?”

I nod and stand to where he points. Bucky tries a few times but isn’t able to get the height with the weight of the suit and how short they are.

“Hey, Bennett,” someone calls from the other side of the gym. They are holding spirit posters for the game tomorrow. “Can you come show us where to hang the signs?”

“Shoot, I forgot about that. Brb. Keep practicing, Bucky!”

Bennett takes off and leaves me alone with the bouncing beaver. Once he’s gone, the two of us look at each other, and as if we agreed on it ahead of time, Bucky stops bouncing and walks to the edge of the trampoline. Before they can get down, their foot catches in the springs at the edge, and they come tumbling in my direction.

My reflexes are still sharp, and I manage to move under them so that I’m the one taking the brunt of the fall as they tumble on top of me. We end up on the floor of the gym, and I groan as Bucky sits up.

In the fall, the head of the mascot has come off and now I’m looking at a woman in a beaver suit straddling me. She must be one of the teachers or a student-teacher from the community college. Her black hair is falling in messy waves around her, and her dark eyes are wide with shock. Her eyes are what let me know she can’t be a student. It’s like they’ve seen the world a hundred times over. She isn’t afraid, but the way she’s looking at me feels like she can see into my soul.

“Are you okay?” I ask, and for some strange reason, I reach up and touch her cheek.

“Yes.” She swallows hard and then licks her lips. “Can you keep a secret?”

“Yes,” I answer without hesitation.

“Good.” She leaps off of me, and before I can say anything else, she grabs the beaver head and runs out of the gym. It’s in the opposite direction as Bennett, so I’m guessing she doesn’t want to get caught ditching him.

Eventually I get to my feet, but I can’t help but think that I was knocked down by the most beautiful beaver I’ve ever laid eyes on.

Chapter Three


When my alarm goes off, I groan. Today is the day I make an utter fool of myself. Not only do I have to do the assembly, but I have to go to the game too. This is going to be a nightmare, and I have no clue how I’m going to pull this off.


