Coach’s Pet Read Online Alexa Riley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Insta-Love, New Adult, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 26
Estimated words: 24418 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 122(@200wpm)___ 98(@250wpm)___ 81(@300wpm)

When halftime comes, I jump up and start to work the crowd again with the cheerleaders. I spot Tins in the stands and can't help but smile. She spent the majority of the game on her phone and now she’s jumping and cheering for me. You’d think I was the star.

Coach Shay went back to the locker room with all the players at halftime, but I don’t think they need too much hype. The team is playing well and are up in points at the half.

The band plays a few songs while I do my thing, and when they march off the field I look up to see the players sprinting out of the locker room. I’m filled with relief because that means halftime is over and my moment in the spotlight is done.

To my surprise, I actually watch the game, but I suppose I'm more interested in observing how Coach Shay manages the team. I snort a laugh when he goes off on Parker for throwing the ball to the other team. It doesn't take long for me to start cheering for our school, even though I dislike most of the players. I think it’s because I want Coach Shay to win.

At one point, Parker takes a hard hit, and it causes the ball to shoot out of his grasp. One of the guys on the line manages to throw themselves on top of it so the ball is still ours. After that, Parker really goes downhill.

He’s scared, and although I shouldn't be enjoying it, I am. Each time the ball is hiked to him, he dances around, wanting to get rid of it quickly. He doesn’t want to get hit again or throw what one of the cheerleaders said was an interception.

Coach Shay shifts strategy, and from that point on they are exclusively running the ball. Parker doesn't try to throw anymore, and it’s only because of their lead going into the second half, and the kicker, that they pull off a win.

All the players head toward the locker room, and I follow after them, wanting desperately to get out of this damn beaver suit. While I’m walking, my foot catches on something I can’t see, and I trip. I stumble a step, but the weight of the suit is too much to steady, and I go crashing to the ground. It knocks the air right out of me, and the beaver head rolls off.

I stare up in time to see Parker walk by, and he smirks. With that one look I know he’s the reason I tripped.

“Move!” The command echoes loudly, and everyone scatters away from me. Coach Shay fills my vision as he drops down to a knee next to me. “Are you okay?” He brushes my hair out of my face, and I nod as a rush of embarrassment fills my cheeks. “It's all right, babe,” Shay says softly before offering me his hand and helping me to my feet. “I should look you over and make sure you're okay.”

“I’m fine, really,” I tell him as he picks up the beaver head and carries it for me.

“I’ll be the judge of that.” He snags my elbow, and I know I don’t have much of a choice. Although do I really want one?

Shay leads me straight to his office and shuts the door behind me. “How do I get this off you?”

“Here,” I say as I reach for the snap in the back, and he unzips the rest. The costume drops down to my feet, leaving me in my sports bra and yoga pants. I step out of it and then motion at my body. “See, I’m okay.”

My ego is definitely bruised, but otherwise I’m uninjured. Coach Shay's eyes drop to my chest and then slowly down the rest of me.

“Shit.” He runs a hand down his face and turns around. “Get dressed.”

My bag isn’t on his chair anymore but on his desk. It’s open, and I know I zipped it closed before I left. I peek inside and notice right away something’s missing.

“What the fuck?” I mutter to myself.

“What is it?” Coach Shay turns around and glances at the bag.

“My panties are gone.”

Chapter Six


“Maybe you shouldn’t have taken them off.” My eyes move down her curves and I stare at where her panties should be. The only thing keeping her pussy from me is a piece of material that’s about as thin as my control. “Or maybe you shouldn’t have left them in my office like a tease.”

Her dark eyes widen, and I can see the fire in them. Good. Maybe she’ll get as worked up as I am. This is inappropriate on so many levels, but I can’t seem to control myself.

“Are you blaming me for some pervert taking my panties?”

I take a step toward her, and it’s dangerous to get this close. “That’s good. Call me a pervert.” Her mouth opens in shock. “I’m not supposed to touch you, so I took something I could touch. And what I’m going to do to those panties is perverted.”


