Claiming You (How to Marry a Billionaire #4) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 77551 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 388(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 259(@300wpm)

“Hey, Southern belle!” Heather gives me a wink. “And Alex with the vibrating tongue.”

Vibrating tongue? Right. Alex gave Heather an orgasm on the catamaran.

His tongue is pretty talented. Still, the green-eyed monster is rearing his ugly head. I’m feeling a little possessive of Alex, though I guess I don’t have reason to be.

Though he did just open up to me about something that’s bugging him...

“Are we interrupting?” June asks.

Alex rises. “Not at all. Ariel and I were just leaving.”

“Don’t go back to the mansion,” Heather says. “Evangeline is on a rampage.”

“What’s wrong now?” Alex asks.

“You’ll have to ask her.” Heather sheds her robe—revealing her naked body—and does a perfect dive into the pool.

Alex grabs my hand. “Come on. Let’s go.”

He doesn’t speak to me again as we head toward the mansion.

And a feeling of dread comes over me like a storm rolling in off the Gulf.

Episode 151

The Rancher and the Winter Wind


I’ve gone and put my bloody foot in it now. What was I thinking? Blurting out to River that I’m falling in love with him?

If he knows what’s good for him, he’ll be hightailing it back to his Montana ranch by evening.

He stares at me for what seems like an eternity before he finally opens his mouth.

I hold up my hand. “No. Don’t say anything. Not until I tell you why I’m truly here.”

He raises his eyebrows.

I tighten the sheet around my body. This man has seen every part of me in nearly every position possible, yet now, covered, I feel completely exposed.

But secrets are no way to begin a relationship...if he even wants a relationship with me. Hell! Me and my bloody big blunt mouth! I’m not used to holding back. God knows I’ve gone after what I want in all aspects of my life.

All except love.

I never thought I was cut out for it.

Not until I met River Barrett and tumbled into his bed. It was supposed to be sex. An escape for both of us.

It turned into something more—for me, at least.

“Okay, Emily.” River’s tone is dark. “I thought I knew why you were here. To participate in this event. You say you’re falling in love with me. Isn’t that why you came? To meet us and potentially enter a long-term relationship with one of us?”

“Yes. Of course. Partially, at any rate.”

He lets go of my hand. “Partially?”

I draw in a breath. “River, you see... You know I’m a fashion designer from London. I left the house in the UK because of nepotism, and I thought I’d get a fairer shot in New York.”


“And...I did. I found employment at an up-and-coming fashion house, and I quickly dazzled my boss with my work.”

“All right. I’m not seeing the problem.”

“That is the problem, I suppose. Someone got hold of my designs and is holding them hostage, so to speak.”


“It’s a mess, to be sure. My creative director raved about the designs and said they were perfect for the new vision and direction of the brand. They hadn’t been shared outside that meeting—at least, not to my knowledge.”

“So it’s got to be someone at the company.”

“Yes. I believe so. I’ve no idea who, but they’re demanding payment of a hundred thousand dollars if I want the designs back. If I don’t pay, they’ll go into production and be sold on a discount dress website.”

River runs his hand over his disheveled dark hair. “So you had no intention of finding love here.”

“Of course I did! But yes, I was also hoping...” How can I tell him I thought of this as a transaction? It’s the truth, but now that I’ve met him, everything has changed.

“Hoping one of us would pay to get your designs back.” He shakes his head. “Didn’t it occur to you to call the police, Emily? Theft is illegal, and so is extortion and copyright infringement.”

I huff. “Of course it occurred to me. But what if they couldn’t find the arsehole? What if my designs ended up bastardized?”

He doesn’t speak for what seems like a bloody eternity, until finally— “I’ll give you the money.”

A great anvil seems to float off my shoulders. “You will? River, I can’t thank you enough⁠—”

He gestures for me to stop. “I’ll give it to you. I’ll have it wired today. But then I think it’s best if you and I cool things off.”

My heart nearly cracks in two. He can’t be serious. “River...”

“How can I trust anything you say to me? You say you love me, but you were after something else all along. I’ll give you the money. I’ll get you out of this mess because I care for you, but don’t you see? I can’t trust anything you say anymore.”

“I wasn’t playing when I said I loved you, River. Do you truly think you were the one I wanted to fall for? I’m not built to live on a ranch, for God’s sake. Look at me. I’m a city girl through and through.”


