Captured by A Sinner Read Online Michelle Heard

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 79
Estimated words: 76820 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 384(@200wpm)___ 307(@250wpm)___ 256(@300wpm)

Unwelcome warmth floods my heart. I dart past Viktor and rush to the counter, trying to ignore how his compliment affects me.

When Viktor joins me at the counter, the cashier shows the final amount for the books I bought. “That will be two thousand, three hundred and ninety, sir.”

My eyebrows shoot up, and my lips part in a gasp.

Dear God, Rosalie.

Viktor doesn’t look upset by the amount at all and pays it happily with a black credit card.

I’m not going to feel guilty. It’s the least he can do.

The five guards carry the bags out of the store, and Viktor walks next to me. When we reach the door, we have to step aside for a woman with a baby.

I manage to exit the store before Viktor, and my heart lurches. Before I can even think the plan through, my legs are moving, and I run away.

Reaching the end of the block, I glance over my shoulder but don’t see Viktor running after me. I turn left, but before I can reach the next road, the Lamborgini comes to a screeching stop by the pedestrian crossing.

My breaths explode over my lips as I change direction, only to have the SUV pull up in front of me. When I swing around again, I slam into Viktor, and his arms wrap around me. His mouth finds my ear, then the warning rumbles from him like thunder, “Make a scene, and I’ll kill whoever tries to help you.”

When he pulls back to look at my face, my eyes lock with his, and I see the promise of death in his dark brown irises.

My shoulders slump, and so damn frustrated and hopeless, I walk to the Lamborgini with legs feeling like they’re made of lead.

Knowing we’re probably going back to my prison because of my escape attempt, I slump into the seat and swallow hard on the tears threatening to fall.

God only knows what Viktor is going to do to punish me.

He could do anything from spanking me to raping me, and there’s nothing I can do to stop him.

But what was I supposed to do? Just go book shopping, be thankful, and go back to my prison?

I had to try and escape, and I’ll continue to try every chance I get because Viktor is a monster who rules over the bratva. He’s one of the men who killed my family. He kidnapped me.

I can never forget that.

I can never think of him as an ordinary man because that’s the last thing he is.

He’ll always be my enemy, and now I’ve upset him.

My heart beats heavily in my chest as all the fear creeps back.

Chapter 10


All the way home, Rosalie stares out the window, swallowing hard on the urge to cry.

I knew she’d try to make a run for it. Honestly, I would’ve been disappointed if she hadn’t.

When I bring the Lamborgini to a stop, Rosalie takes off her safety belt with trembling hands. She waits for me to walk around the car and open the passenger door for her before she scrambles out and runs into the house.

When the SUV comes to a stop, I tell Joseph, “Bring the books inside.”

“Yes, boss.”

I head into the house and take the stairs up to the first floor. I push Rosalie’s door open and find her staring at the shelves I had my men install while we were out.

“Do you want the books sorted alphabetically or by author?” I ask, happy with the work my men did. The shelves fill the entire left corner of the bedroom, forming a reading nook for Rosalie.

Joseph comes into the room, followed by the other men. They place the bags on the floor, then look at me for further instruction.

“Ah…” Rosalie nervously licks her lips, probably thinking she’s in a ton of shit for trying to run. “I’ll sort the books on the shelves.”

I nod to the door for the men to leave, and once we’re alone, I grab the bag closest to me and start unpacking the books.

When I found her kindle account on Amazon, I was relieved because it gave me something to buy her, seeing as her puppy won’t be arriving until later tonight.

“Where do you want them?” I ask.

Rosalie stares at me, then picks up a bag. “I’m not going to apologize for running.”

“I don’t expect you to,” I mutter as I start to organize the books by author name and series order, that way, they don’t get mixed up.

She gapes at me as if I’ve grown horns. “Aren’t you angry?”

“I would’ve been disappointed if you didn’t try to escape.” I place a box set on the shelf, then lock eyes with her. “I’d hate to think you have no spine, Little Rose.”

Confusion flutters over her perfect features. “You wanted me to run?”

“Yes.” I lift an eyebrow at her. “That’s why I stayed back when the woman and her child entered the store. I gave you a head start.” I shrug as I pick up more books. “Though, you didn’t get very far.” I shoot a glance at her sexy as fuck legs. “Instead of sitting in your bedroom all day long, you should jog around the property. Build up some stamina.”


