#BURN Read Online Devon McCormack (Fever Falls #2)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 96922 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 485(@200wpm)___ 388(@250wpm)___ 323(@300wpm)

“I’ve been working in publicity for a long time, and it’s just strange how it all plays out. Even when they see all these pictures of you, none of them know the real Jace Kruse. They’re gonna see what they want to see and miss some important shit.”

“Ah, you think there’s important shit here? Cute of you to say. But who gives a fuck about what anyone else thinks? I don’t do what I do because I need anyone else’s approval. You can’t live your life that way.”

“My entire career is based on other people’s approval,” Dax pointed out. “Not of me, but my clients. I think that’s part of what fascinates me about you. You don’t seem to give many shits about what other people think.”

“Not true. I care what you think…about this.” I kissed him again, and while I was being serious, I was also hoping to soothe his discomfort since I could tell how much it bothered him. Sliding my hand around his ass, I pushed my fingers into the crack between his cheeks. He pulled closer to me, his body, those muscles feeling so good pressed up against me. As I pulled away and looked into his eyes, I could tell he’d eased up.

“I think I’m about ready…”

“To bottom?”

“To have another jump. First one to the top gets a blowjob.”

I erupted into laughter as he slipped out of my grasp and started swimming toward the shore. I tailed behind him, knowing I was going to lose by his clear advantage and the fact that I was still chuckling as I made my way ashore. We hurried up on the well-worn path to the top, which Dax beat me to, hurling himself off effortlessly this time. And the little prick assured me with a wink and a flash of those pearly whites that I didn’t have to blow him right away.

We stayed at the little private paradise for some time, goofing off and sneaking kisses, then dried off and returned to the car, heading back to my place.

The conversation had shifted to more typical subjects. I told him about growing up in Fever Falls, and he talked about the difference in how he grew up in Los Angeles. We didn’t talk about more serious aspects of our childhoods. Kept it light. And there was an effortlessness to chatting with him that was enjoyable. He’d always seemed like this cool guy to hang out with, and even more fun when we got to do the other stuff too.



On the way to Jace’s townhouse, we got to laughing as he told me a story about his buds at work. Once we arrived, he led me to the front door, and unlike previous times when one of us would invite the other to join him, there wasn’t any question about whether or not I was going to come in. He simply set his hand on my back and urged me inside.

“Did you want to shower up?” Jace asked.

“Well, we’re not beating around the bush, are we?” I spun around to him as he closed the door.

“Hahaha. I mean, I figured you’d want to wash off, but if you prefer, we can get clean and dirty together.” He winked, and a rush of excitement jolted through me.

It wasn’t only his suggestion, but everything about the way he looked at me. He had this way of seeming so hungry for me, so ready to take me at any moment. I knew I was going to bottom for him that night. I’d known since we were swimming around in the stream he’d taken me to. The way he grabbed my ass, the way he just wanted what he likely felt was already his…I wanted to give it to him so fucking bad.

I wasn’t typically a fan of bottoming, but surely a guy like Jace could make anyone want a lot of things they wouldn’t have considered outside of him. Plus, there was the added bonus of knowing it was in the service of helping him understand what it would be like when he bottomed for me, which…oh, what a lovely perk that was.

“When you make a shower sound like such a good idea, how can I resist?” I said.

He guided me upstairs, into his room, reminding me of the last time I was there and how much fun we had.

We stripped down once again, and stepped into his walk-in shower.

“Go on, you can rinse off first,” Jace said.

I stood under the stream and took some liquid soap from a bottle on a shelf in the corner of the wall, and then we swapped places. I lathered my hands up and ran them in circles over my body, studying Jace as the water raced down that chiseled body. We washed off for a bit, swapping off occasionally until during one of our switches, Jace grabbed my cock.


