Brutal Demon – Planet of Kings Read Online Lee Savino

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 74
Estimated words: 69711 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 349(@200wpm)___ 279(@250wpm)___ 232(@300wpm)

I whimper. Being told I’m not allowed to orgasm always sends me to the very edge.

“I’m halfway in,” he continues. “When I’m all the way in, you can come. But not before then. Just relax into it and focus on my fingers…”

He’s dragging my clit back and forth in the most delicious way. My pussy flutters.

“Nu-uh,” he snarls, startling me. “Don’t you dare disobey me.”

“Fuck, Master, please…”

He slides deeper with a grunt, the sharp ache in my rear hole only magnifying how wonderful his fingertips feel between my thighs. “Almost there, sweet thing. Just a little further to go.”

I whimper as he continues his inexorable invasion, focusing all my attention on keeping my muscles relaxed as the pleasure spirals higher… higher…

“I wish you could see this, pet. Your ass frames my cock so perfectly as I stretch it wide. No, don’t move. Be still and let it happen. You can take it… Ulf… take all of me…”

Krav lets out a primal roar which hurls me over the edge. I howl as the orgasm overtakes me, pulsing waves of pleasure snatching the breath from my lungs.

I’m still coming as he gives one final, hard thrust, the burning ache amplifying the throbbing in my clit. His cock jerks inside me, almost lifting me off the bed with the force of his climax as he fills my ass with rhythmic spurts.

We collapse together—me on my belly, my Master on top of me, his skin searing mine. He’s panting, his warm breath fluttering across my hair. His dick is still buried in my ass, cum leaking out around it, dribbling down to pool below my groin.

“I couldn’t hold out any longer,” Krav murmurs, nuzzling my neck. “I didn’t even go all the way in.”

“Are you sure? Only I felt like the tip was about to hit my tonsils.” I giggle, then wince as Krav chuckles, shifting inside me.

“I’m sure. I didn’t want to knot your ass—”

“Thank god.”

“Not the first time, at least.” Another chuckle. “You did so well, sweetheart, even though you came too soon.”

“I could hardly wait until you were all the way in if you weren’t planning to go that far!” I grumble.

“True, but you didn’t know that.”

The amusement in his voice reassures me. “I couldn’t help it,” I confess. “You know how the noises you make affect me.”

“I know—and I adore it.” He nuzzles my neck. “You took me in your ass so well. I’m proud of you.”

Contentment licks up my chest, and I smile into the sheets. “Thank you.”

“But we’re not done.”

I try to work out if there’s any part of my body that isn’t aching. The orgasms are worth it, but they sure are draining. Seems like women need a refractory period too, when the sex is good enough. “We’re not?”

“Oh, no.”

“I don’t think I can move right now,” I mumble as he withdraws from me, then I wince at the sharp ache as his cock pops out of my tight hole.

He takes pity on me and scoops me up, carrying me like a bride to the bathing chamber. “A hot bath, I think, and then some food.”

Relief makes me sag in his hold. “That sounds perfect.”

He kisses the top of my head. “You’re perfect.”

My heart sings at the compliment. Even though I’m exhausted and starving, I’m filled with happiness. “You’re not too shabby yourself,” I tell him.

Krav doesn’t reply but when I glance up at his face, his lips are curved up, that gorgeous dimple of his revealed by a beaming smile.

Dusk has fallen by the time we’re done soaking our tired, sore muscles. We end up having dinner in bed, curled up together. He feeds me pieces of kiktu—one of my favorite Ulfarri fruits—a dark gleam in his eyes as I lick the juices off his fingers. His cock hardens and inwardly, I groan. While I adore how much he desires me, I’m exhausted. I need to distract him.

I reach up to touch his horns and he stills. “They’re sensitive, aren’t they?” He nods, and I run a gentle finger down the ridged surface. He shudders, and a purr bursts from his chest. It’s brief, but still enough to fill me with a deep sense of relaxation. I’ve learned his growl arouses me, his purr soothes me, and his chest feels like home. Rolling onto my side, I press my cheek to hear his heartbeat, slow and steady.

His tail strokes my butt.

“What about your wings? Are they sensitive too?”

He unfurls one and stretches it over me. The light from the glow orbs illuminates the map of veins and sinew in the leathery expanse. I raise my hand then hesitate. “Can I?”

He nods and I brush my fingertips over the glossy surface. It’s warm to the touch.

“You feel that?”

“Yes.” His wing quivers under my caress, and I revel in the discovery. He looks so intimidating but now I know the truth: he feels everything. Maybe that’s why he fights so hard to keep everyone at wing’s length?


