Broken (Satan’s Death Riders MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Satan's Death Riders MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

His cock hardened. There was so much he still wanted to do to her.

“I think I might be pregnant.”

They had a good thing going, and then she had to spoil it all with those fucking words. He’d been horny as fuck, and that soon changed when he realized he was going to be a father. Being the asshole he was, he didn’t relish the idea of being a dad. He fought against it, and now there was no baby, and he didn’t have his woman either.

“You know what, don’t worry about it. I’ll come,” she said, offering that sweet smile.

This was one of the things he both hated and loved about Petal. Did no one see that she didn’t have the ability to say no? When someone needed something from her, she was always the first one there to offer help. She always had others’ backs. She was always the one willing to give everything up.

Instead of leaving town to find her own way, she stuck around for Rosalie. Petal could have been long gone and loving the free life. Instead, she was stuck, and no one else saw that. He did. He wanted to set her free. For that smile to no longer be trapped in the same place. She deserved that.

But then, he also hadn’t helped in setting her free. He’d known she wasn’t on the pill, and her getting pregnant was only going to happen because he loved not wearing condoms with her. He knew it made him the biggest dick going, but Petal had been different. She was the only virgin he’d been with.

Dirty always wore a condom. He didn’t trust the women that came to the club. Most of them were after an easy time, and if they could trap a brother with pregnancy, half of them would do it without batting an eye. Those were the kind of women he dealt with.

There had been a situation in the club a few years ago when one of the women were caught trying to use the semen inside a used condom. Dirty had been disgusted. He wasn’t the brother she was trying to trap, but there had been consequences for her actions—severe consequences—and he didn’t even give a shit she’d been female. In their world, the men and women had to learn that their enemies used whatever means possible, whether it was a woman or a man, or even a child. They all had to be careful.

Petal wasn’t like that. She was a good one. And he’d let her slip through his fingers by being an asshole. He didn’t even hide that he was watching her. Kim was still talking with her, and the smile on Petal’s face was real.

There was a time not too long ago when she would have smiled for him. Those smiles had only been reserved for him. Now, he got nothing. She barely even looked at him.

Chapter Two

Entering her parents’ home, Petal instantly wrinkled her nose at the mess. It looked like they hadn’t bothered to clean up for several days. Pocketing her keys, she released a sigh and immediately went to the fridge. There was no food in the fridge and she gritted her teeth, as she began to gather up the dishes that hadn’t been cleaned. She loved her parents, but they were not good at being adults. They were good at making babies and showing them love and attention. Just not the whole deal.

This was why she never allowed Rosalie to come around her house when they were growing up. The only time Rosalie was allowed to visit, and even stay for a couple of hours, was after she did a massive clean.

Petal had seen the way Gabrielle kept a clean house and doted on her daughter. Petal’s parents loved her, but they doted on each other. Their kids were not the priority.

So far, she hadn’t seen a sibling. This was the way it was when she lived home. Her brothers and sisters found different places to go. It wasn’t that home was a bad place, it just never felt like home.

This was always strange for her to think. Gabrielle and Rosalie felt like home. Before Gabrielle’s death, they had been solid. Mother and daughter.

Maybe that was the problem. Petal couldn’t go to her own mother for advice, as there was rarely any for the other woman to give. Not anything she would listen to.

The first day she got her period, she went to her mom, thinking she was going to die. Her mother told her to get over it, that it was what every woman went through, and shushed her away, as if she had a single clue. At the time, Petal didn’t have a clue. She had no choice but to go to Gabrielle. The other woman pulled her into a hug and talked to her about her cycle. They even went to the supermarket, and Gabrielle gave Petal a detailed explanation of everything she needed to understand and make her own decisions.


