Broken (Satan’s Death Riders MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Satan's Death Riders MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

“Now that you know who I am, how about you tell me who you are?” Kim asked. She got to her feet, shoving away the men that tried to pick her up.

Petal didn’t know what to do. She didn’t know if help was coming and it didn’t seem logical to piss these men off, but that seemed to be what Kim wanted to do. There was no plan. They didn’t even have time to come up with a plan. She tried not to panic. Panicking never solved anything.

She and Kim were in a bad situation. Glancing around, she saw they were in the middle of nowhere. The house looked like it hadn’t been lived in for years. Where the fuck where they? Petal didn’t have a clue. She didn’t notice anything. There was no one to be found. She couldn’t even see anything of relevance. It looked like they had traveled down a privately owned road, to get to the shithole house where they were now.

This was not good.

There was a garden shed that had so many holes around it. It looked like it had been in a gunfight and freaking lost. They had nowhere to run, even if by some miracle they found a way to escape. This was hopeless. She had never been in this kind of situation before.

Then she remembered the day at the garage. Gabrielle had wanted the homecoming party for Rosalie to be perfect. Several of the guys had offered to drive or ride Gabrielle to the store. Petal had known how skittish she was around men and opted to do it herself.

Then the sound of the gunshots. The feeling as she felt two bullets hit her.

Pulling out of the memory, she looked at the men, knowing there was no out for them. She and Kim were going to die. She felt the tears fill her eyes. This was insane. She was terrified.

The man smiled and then bowed before her. “I’m Predator, and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

“So what’s the deal here? You’re just going to finish off what Daemon started, is that it?”

“You speak of him as if you don’t fear he might come back and haunt you?” The smile on Predator’s face was mocking.

Petal glared at him. “Deamon was a piece of shit.”

His gaze turned back to her.

“Who is this little bitch?” Predator asked.

“A pain in the ass, but she persisted in being a problem while we took the one you wanted, and seeing as she was with that party, we figured you’d want her.” One of the other men spoke up, and Petal didn’t avert her gaze as she stared at Predator.

“A very happy pain in the ass in case you were wondering,” Petal said.

The man smiled.

“Well, in that case, you’re in luck because you’re going to get to see me kill your little bitch leader.”

He had to come up with better insults, and she was just about to tell him that, when his words seemed to flood her brain and she realized exactly what he’d said and what he was about to do.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“I have it on good authority that to make Warden a little more interesting, I’ve got to take something that means the world to him. I thought about taking his clubhouse, killing his son, but then I remembered he has a wife.” Predator tutted. “And we all know no man in this life should have a wife.”

Kim was shoved to the ground and Predator pulled out a gun. He was going to shoot Kim in the head.

Petal didn’t want to see that. Her thoughts quickly went to her best friend. Rosalie had already lost one mother, and Kim was fast turning into Rosalie’s second mother. She thought about the baby, of Warden, of the men at the Satan’s Death Riders MC. None of them would be able to deal with Kim’s death. She didn’t know if it would ruin the club completely, but it was one of those moments she knew they were not going to survive. She could not allow that to happen.

She had to come up with a distraction. The men needed time. Warden would not be sitting on his ass while his wife’s life was on the line, of that she was sure.

She burst out laughing. The sound was completely fake, but she got into it, as it stopped Predator from firing the weapon.

“Stop it,” he said.

She had his attention so she began to laugh. If her hands were not tied behind her back, she’d have attempted to cover her mouth, or done something to help the charade along, but all she could do was laugh and move her body.

Predator didn’t seem to like this as he moved closer to her, and within seconds the gun was pointed to her head. The smile stayed on her lips.


