Broken (Satan’s Death Riders MC #2) Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Satan's Death Riders MC Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82930 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 415(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

“There is so much good pussy here tonight,” Myth said.

Dirty hadn’t been paying attention to the club pussy.

“Do you recommend any of the newbies?”

“Sorry, you’re going to have to test drive them for me.”

“You don’t know which one is the best?” Myth asked.

“What can I say? I’ve been busy.”

Myth snorted. “That’s a fucking lie. I remember a time when you didn’t need an excuse. You were quite happy to fuck to your heart’s content and get your job done.” Myth shook his head. “What is happening to everyone?”

Dirty didn’t have to say anything. He knew what his trouble was. It was a pesky little blonde he couldn’t get out of his mind. Fucking Petal.

She was meant to be a little fun, which was exactly what she was, but the trouble was, he couldn’t get her out of his freaking mind. He knew the best way to deal with this predicament was just to get another woman, fuck her until he forgot who Petal Hargreaves was.

There was no way Petal was ever going to let him back inside. They were never going to do causal. He’d hurt her. She wasn’t going to forgive him.

He knocked back his full glass of whiskey and slapped the counter, wanting another refill quickly. Rooster was there, as per usual, manning the bar. There was no other brother that could keep up with the demand, but Rooster always had their backs.

“Fucking ace,” Dirty said, as his glass was refilled.

Rooster shook his head and refused to give him the bottle. “Prez’s orders. No bottles. This is just a party, and no reason to get shit-faced.”

Which meant Warden wasn’t happy with something. A few months of no Evil Fuckers MC, and it was time to celebrate. The MC must have disbanded. Daemon had gone on a wild killing spree, there was no one left.

Dirty had seen that fucked-up mess. Deamon had killed his own son in the carnage. There had been a lot of dead bodies.

He lifted the glass to his lips and glanced toward the door as it opened, and she was like a fucking glass of ice water hitting him square in the face.

For the past few months, he’d seen her in the ever-growing uniform that seemed to hang off her body rather than hug her curves. Even today at the grocery store, she wore an oversized sweatshirt that covered her body.

Tonight, she wore a pair of jeans that hugged her body, along with a shirt that pushed her tits together, but it also showed off the weight she had lost. Her long blonde hair had those natural curls she always tried to straighten and was constantly fighting with. It also looked like she had put on a little makeup.

Rosalie, like always, was with Colt.

The moment she saw her friend, that was it, and Colt merely shook his head and moved toward the bar. The two women stood together, holding hands, talking. Petal looked really good. Better than he expected.

Memories of feeling that body wrapped around him rushed through him, and his cock hardened. He wanted her so badly, it was all he could think about in that moment. To feel her wrapped around his dick. She felt so incredible. Even on the night he had taken her virginity. She had been in a great deal of pain, but he refused to allow her to remember her first moment with tears in her eyes, so he’d done everything he could to make it the best experience of her life.

Of course, that wouldn’t matter now, because he’d given her one of the worst experiences of her life.

“Three beers please,” Colt said, slapping his hand on the counter.

“Three beers,” Myth said. “There go your plans to get laid.” The other brother left with a smirk.

“He does know that if tonight turns to shit, his chance of getting laid ends as well,” Colt said.

“Don’t sound bitter,” Dirty said. “Do you want me to create a distraction?”

“Nah, I’m good.”

“You sure? With Petal around, you won’t get a look in.”

“It’s different now. I don’t need you distracting Petal. It’s all good.” Three beer bottles were placed in front of him.

“All good? You do surprise me.”

Colt laughed. “I have that ability. Nah, there is no reason to keep the two apart. It makes no sense. I know Rosalie is doing much better, and with time those wounds might heal. It is going to be hell, but it will be a manageable kind of hell.”

Dirty knew Colt spoke from experience as the brother lost his sister. She died in his arms during a shoot-out at the park. There was nothing Colt could have done. He held his sister as she died. From that day forward, Colt’s hatred of the Evil Fuckers MC had been cemented. It nearly cost him Rosalie. They all assumed Rosalie had been like her father, Deamon. They’d been wrong. Rosalie had been a true innocent. And Colt nearly fucked that up.


