Boomtown Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Freebirds #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Freebirds Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 82
Estimated words: 93284 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 466(@200wpm)___ 373(@250wpm)___ 311(@300wpm)

"Chey!" I heard screamed outside my bedroom door, just as little fists pounded and the doorknob jiggled. I popped one eye open and glanced at the clock. 7:35.

I closed my eye again, then immediately popped back open and rechecked the time.

"Fuck! I'm late! God damn piece of shit alarm. Mother Fucker! “I yelled as I stripped off my clothes.

I went to the pile of clothes on my dresser and quickly found a pair of jeans that had seen better days. The jeans were so worn that they skimmed all of my curves quite nicely. The denim was faded on the thighs and ass. There was also a hole on both sides of the left back pocket. I changed my undies for a hot pink thong with angry birds decorating the front. Then slipped into my jeans, found a pair of mismatched socks, put them on, then slipped into my hot pink and black Adidas tennis shoes. Then went back to my underwear drawer and put on a black sports bra and pulled my polo with the Napa logo on the right breast over my head, I quickly went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, combed my hair and then bent over throwing my head down to pull my hair together at the top of my head, and then wrapped the ponytail around my hair. I quickly swiped on some deodorant, and then darted out of the room towards the kitchen. Mom already had Janie in her high chair and was feeding her scrambled eggs and cheese. I went to the pantry and pulled out a chocolate pop tart, grabbed my keys and purse and started out the door without a word.

I grounded to a halt when I heard mom say, "Phone!"

I quickly ran back to my mom, grabbed the phone, kissed her on the cheek and muttered "thanks" and ran back to Optimus.

Optimus is my 1987 Chevy Silverado. The paint job had seen better days, but he ran like a top thanks to James. I opened the door, jumped into the cab and slammed the door. Anyone who has ever gotten into an old vehicle knows that you have to slam the door really hard to get it to close all the way, and I normally had to put some back into it. I cranked the window down and started the truck. It roared to life and I couldn't help but smile when the neighbors new SUV started squawking. I threw it in reverse and laughed as my neighbors’ front door flew open and he shook his fist at me. I gave him a dismissive wave, and smiled. Yea, fuck you too Mr. Yates.

Once out of the driveway I yanked it down into drive and accelerated down the street. I stopped at the four way stop, and then turned left and headed to the main branch of NAPPA auto parts on Highway 80. I passed the Donut Hole and let a whine escape as I realized I didn't have enough time to stop for some. Fuck my life. I pulled into the lot at 7:56 and parked beside my best friend’s car. I locked and slammed the door and hauled ass for the front door. I power walked through the front lobby, and into the back hallway. I clocked in at eight on the dot. Thank fuck, because I hated hearing Dick complaining about my lack of dedication to this wonderful job.

Let me explain my job to you. I arrive and head to the counter to get the tickets that have auto body and mechanic shops that need parts delivered. I go retrieve the parts, then I hop my ass into my fine company truck that has no radio and barely working A/C and drive said parts to the places that requested them. Then drive back to the shop and get more tickets. Then I repeat over and over and over until my shift ends. Fucking brilliant if you ask me! Not. Dick acted like this was the type of dream job that changed lives, when in actuality absolutely anyone could do it.

After walking back to the counter, I got my first ticket of the day and collected the parts. I left out the wide side door and went to the number 6 slot that held my assigned vehicle for the day. Ember’s truck was already gone, so it meant that she was her usual punctual self. Tossing the parts in the back of the truck, I plugged the address into the GPS and was off.

As I got closer and closer to the little blinking green dot I started to get nervous. There was only one mechanic on this block. Oh, fuck. Please no, please no. But of course I was not that lucky. The green dot blinked right over Free, the local motorcycle shop. Free was a new shop that just opened less than a year ago. Free made the locals nervous because of all bikers that came and went. It was more of a compound of sorts. There were buildings that attached to the main garage and office area. It had a ten foot chain link fence surrounding the property with razor wire at the top. They gates stayed open during the day, but at night there was a key pad that allowed you to put in a code to get the gate to swing open. It was also where Sam had taken me that night a week ago.

I pulled slowly into the lot and turned the truck off and set the brake. Damn, hell and shit, I was nervous. I snatched the ticket off the seat and got out of the truck and shut the door behind me. Pocketed the keys and headed to the tailgate to get the parts. I opened the tailgate, and reached for the whatchamacallit that was in a cardboard box. I almost had it in my arms when two huge hands entered my vision and took it from me. I followed the hands up to muscular forearms with bright tattoos covering nearly every inch of skin, but the Army Rangers tattoo on his forearm dominated my vision. My eyes continued to follow his arms up to his big beefy looking biceps that were partly covered in a tight black cotton t-shirt that fit like a second skin. I let my eyes devour his perfect shoulders and neck as I continued looking up. And up and up. Man he was taller than I remembered. I looked past his full lips and perfectly straight nose, and was instantly ensnared by his big beautiful eyes. His black hair hung partially in his eyes and he flicked his head back to try to tame it back into place. I was frozen by the pure masculinity of him. He was Gorgeous. His eyes flickered the longer I stared, and finally I said "H-hey."


