Blush (Black Rose #1) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Black Rose Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 87629 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 438(@200wpm)___ 351(@250wpm)___ 292(@300wpm)

“If what I’m doing to you is uncomfortable in any way, you say the word. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Jack. I understand.”

“Normally partners choose a safe word together.”

I wrinkle my forehead. “I don’t know what to choose. You choose one for me.”

“All right. Your safe word is”—he drops his gaze to my chest—“blush.”


“It’s the first word that came to my mind,” he says. “Remember. If I’m hurting you, or if you’re in any way uncomfortable for whatever reason, you just say that word. Blush.”

“Blush,” I whisper.


“Yes”—I smile—“sir.”

Chapter Thirty-Two


Sir. Oh my God, my groin is on fire.

I didn’t tell her to call me sir. Is she truly a natural submissive? And she’s been here, underneath my eyes, the whole time? How did I never see it?

Except…maybe I did see it, and I looked away before I let it into my conscious mind.

This is Mandy.

My Mandy Cake.

Fuck. This is why she asked me not to call her by that nickname anymore. Because she’s not so sweet and innocent.

She’s not at all who I’ve created her to be in my mind.

She asked for a teacher. I’ve never taken that role. The subs I normally play with are experienced. I’d do anything for Mandy, and if this is what she wants? I will try…and hope that our friendship survives.

“Take off your clothes,” I command.

She begins loosening the ties on her corset.

My God, I’m going to explode.

Once the corset is loose, she unsnaps the hooks. And then she parts it slowly…

So damned slowly that I’m aching.

Her beautiful tits fall gently against her chest, and her hourglass figure…

The only thing that stands between her and me is her pumps and jeans.

She kicks off the shoes, unsnaps and unzips the jeans slowly, and slides them over her hips.

I suck in another breath.

Pink lace panties. Boy shorts. So contrary to the black-and-blue corset.

And so fucking hot.

She flicks her fingers underneath the waistband, ready to remove them, when—

“No. Not yet. Turn around, Mandy.”

She obeys me, and I take a few steps backward to admire her ass in the lace. It’s not a thong, but in its way it’s even hotter. The lace settles in the crack of her ass, and I imagine my tongue there, embedded between her flushed cheeks.

Oh my God…

I walk toward her, brush my hands over the silhouette of her figure until I’m touching the pink lace. “Hold still.” I slide the panties over her hips, thighs, calves. I kneel, massage the globes of her ass. And then—

I swipe my tongue between them.

“Oh!” She shudders.

“Hold still, Mandy.”

My tongue is between the cheeks of Mandy’s ass. Her hole is taut and tight. I slide my tongue over it.

“Tell me,” I say against her flesh, “how many other men have licked this beautiful asshole?”

She shudders again, and I feel it through my whole body.

“Am I the first?”

No response.

“Tell me I’m the first, Mandy. Tell me I’m the first man to have his tongue on your ass.”

“You’re the first.” She gasps in a breath. “This is…”

“This is what?”



She sighs. “Yes. Forbidden. And good. Very, very good.”

Yes, it’s very, very good.

“My God, Jack. How can this feel so amazing?”

I should tell her not to talk. That’s what I do with most of my subs when I’m doing a scene.

But not this time. I want to hear her. I want to hear every gasp of pleasure, every breath of desire.

I want to hear her say my name.

As if she’s reading my mind…





She shakes her head, doesn’t complete her sentence or her thought.

That’s okay. I’m busy eating her delectable ass.

I could munch on her all night, but after a few more moments, I stop. It takes everything I have in me to stop, because what I really want to do is stick my finger inside her, stretch her, get it ready to accommodate my cock.

But that takes more preparation. And even though I think she would let me do it if I asked, there’s more I must show her first.

Anal can be done anywhere. This club is for other kinds of kink.

I rise, turn her around to face me, gaze at her body.

“So beautiful,” I say.

Then she blushes. That beautiful blush that I’ve never seen on any other human being. It’s a different pink. A pink like the blush on a sweet Rainier cherry. A pink that belongs only to Amanda.

“Hold out your wrists,” I say.

She obeys instantly.

“Stand there.”

I walk to the wall, pull off a set of fur-lined handcuffs. She’s not ready for regular cuffs yet. I don’t want to take the chance of chafing her delicate wrists. I bring the cuffs to her, lock them in place so her wrists are bound.

“Okay?” I ask.

“Yes, sir. Absolutely fine.”

God, the word “sir” from her lips. It’s like she was born to say it. Born to say it to me.

“Come here.” I gesture, nodding to the leather table.


