Bloody Royals (Bloody Black Skulls MC #1) Read Online T.O. Smith

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: Bloody Black Skulls MC Series by T.O. Smith

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 86823 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 434(@200wpm)___ 347(@250wpm)___ 289(@300wpm)

Travis moved me so I was laying on the bed completely and lifted my hips up to his mouth. I cried out as his tongue delved deep inside, licking and sucking, tongue fucking me hard and fast. It was so fucking hot watching him use sheer strength to hold me up that I was coming in no time, my juices coating his tongue.

And when his tongue hit a certain spot inside of me, I cried out, coming in his mouth again not even an entire thirty seconds after the last one. He lapped it all up before he gently set me down on the bed.

I welcomed him with open arms as he moved over me and slid back inside of me again. I moaned, wrapping my arms around his shoulders, holding him close to me. If I didn’t hold onto him, the force of his thrusts was going to push me off the other side of the bed.

He was biting and sucking on my neck, leaving dark spots all over me. My grip on his shoulders began loosening as our bodies grew slicker with sweat, but he hooked his arms under me, his hands gripping my shoulders to hold me in place.

When I felt my release coming, I gripped his hair tightly, drawing his mouth to mine. He grunted, his tongue dancing with mine as we came together, his kiss swallowing my screams.

We laid there for a few minutes in comfortable silence. I eventually broke it. “We should probably get a shower,” I whispered, reaching up to brush his sweaty hair from his face. I cracked a grin. “I just don’t think that I can move, though.”

He leaned up a little and brushed back some hair that was stuck to my cheek. “Come on. I’ll help you.”

Needless to say, even though I was extremely sore and tired, I still couldn’t resist his body in the shower.


Throwing up was a bitch.

I was fine until I had eaten breakfast. Since I had taken those first few bites, I had been vomiting. I couldn’t move from in front of the toilet. It seemed like every time I moved the slightest muscle in my body, the movement went straight to my stomach.

Travis was out taking care of some business, and I wasn’t going to call anyone else. I didn’t want them to see me in this state. As much as I hated it, Travis had seen me at some of my weakest moments, so having him around me during my time of need wouldn’t bother me. Anyone else though, including Amy? Completely off-limits.

I had tried taking the medicine the doctor had prescribed me when I had started feeling nauseous, but when I took it, I just threw it up with everything else I had eaten. So, right now, I was just going to continue being sick until Travis decided to come home and could help me.

My phone went off on the floor beside me, and I picked it up, answering it. “Hello?” I croaked into the phone.

“Is everything okay?” Travis’s deep voice came through the line. I swear, I almost sighed in relief just hearing his voice. “I just got home, and I can’t find you anywhere.”

“I’m in the bathroom,” I rasped. Fuck, my throat hurt. All this vomiting had made my throat raw as fuck.

I hung up and clutched the toilet bowl as I got sick again. Goddamn, this shit was fucking painful. Why in the hell did I have to be cursed with a really bad case of morning sickness? It seemed like when I started throwing up, I never fucking stopped. This shit made my entire body hurt. I felt like I was dying a slow, painful death. Actually, dying might have been preferable.

Throwing up sucked.

Travis stepped into the bathroom and immediately pulled my hair back out of my face as I got sick again. “How long has this been happening?” he asked me, rubbing my back

“Somewhere around thirty minutes now,” I groaned. “It fucking hurts.”

I leaned against him, and he grabbed a towel to wipe away the sweat that had broken out on my face. “Why in the hell didn’t you call someone to come help you?” he asked me through clenched teeth. Great, he was fucking irritated. I really didn’t feel like dealing with his shit. “For fuck’s sake, Katie, you’re pregnant. This isn’t just about you anymore.”

My temper flared immediately. I wasn’t in the mood for his shit. The baby that was barely a baby right now wasn’t going to die just because I couldn’t stop vomiting. And Travis knew how I felt about other people seeing me in weak moments. One would think he’d be a bit more considerate.

“Who in the hell do you think you’re talking to like that?” I snapped at him. “Do you think that I don’t fucking know that I’m pregnant? You need to back the hell down, Travis.”


