Blood & Bones – Trip Read online Jeanne St. James (Blood Fury MC #1)

Categories Genre: Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Blood Fury MC Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 96121 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 481(@200wpm)___ 384(@250wpm)___ 320(@300wpm)

In one way he was relieved, in the other, he wasn’t happy they wouldn’t get a chance to fuck again. But his fingers did find something deep in the back of the drawer. He pulled it out and held it up.

A bright pink vibrator. It wasn’t the typical vibrator he’d seen; this one had a slight curve and three buttons. He smiled. While he might not be able to fuck her, there were other options for later.

He tucked it back in the drawer and slammed it shut as he heard the bathroom door opening. He jackknifed from the bed and headed in that direction on his way to break the seal.

“Shirt off when you get back in bed,” he said in passing.

He figured her non-response was a silent “fuck you” to his demand.

After doing his thing in the bathroom, he opened the door and was surprised to find she had shucked his shirt, placing it neatly over the chair where his cut was. Problem was, she had climbed back into bed and pulled a sheet over her, covering herself anyway.

In truth, he thought she’d get dressed and when he came out, she’d be pointing toward the door and ordering him to get the fuck out.

While the sheet wasn’t ideal, it was better than her kicking him out.

Not that he would’ve left. Because they still had shit to talk about before he ate her pussy.

She watched him approach the bed, her expression turning suspicious due to his grin he didn’t bother to hide. He felt her light blue eyes on him as he pulled the handmade quilt off, so it wouldn’t get ruined later, and lifted the sheet, sliding in. Once he was under it, he rolled into her side and slowly began to tug the sheet down. “If I wanted you covered up, woulda been fine with you wearin’ my shirt.”

Her fingers wouldn’t release it, causing them to play tug of war. “I can’t sleep without a sheet.”

“We’re not sleepin’ anytime soon. It’s early, plenty of time before we need to catch some ZZZ’s.”


“Pretty sure that’s what I said.”

“You’re planning on taking a nap here?”

“Stayin’ the night. Plan on makin’ you breakfast in the mornin’ to make sure you eat.”

Her lips thinned. “I don’t need you to fatten me up like a lamb going to slaughter.”

“Yeah, baby, you do. The fatten part, not the slaughter. Though, I did kill it when I fucked you.”

“Damn. Ego much?”

“I didn’t kill it? Did I suck?”

She sighed and rolled her eyes. “I didn’t say that.”

He tugged on the sheet again and she gripped it tighter. “We were just fuckin’ naked a few minutes ago. What are you hidin’?”


“Told you I don’t like liars.”

Her white knuckled fingers twitched but she still didn’t let go. He flopped onto his back, tucking one bent arm behind his head, and sighed. “Fine. Takin’ a nap, then we’re goin’ at it again.”

“Do you have another condom?”


“Then we won’t be going at it again.”

“Plenty of other things we can do without me gettin’ you knocked up.”

He twisted his head to stare at her when the bed shook, and she went as stiff as a board next to him. The color in her face from their recent activity had disappeared and her eyes were squeezed shut.

He studied the long black hair with the blue stripes in it, which spilled over her pillow, the nose ring, the full sleeve of tattoos. Things she had changed about herself since he last saw her when they were kids.

He wondered what other changes had happened to make her want to hide herself and cause that kind of reaction to what he said.

He rolled onto his side again and propped his head in his hand, facing her. “Baby, said we’d talk after. There’s shit I need to tell you and I’m sure there’s shit you need to tell me.”

Her eyes opened but she didn’t look at him, she focused on the ceiling instead. Avoiding him. Avoiding whatever it was.


“’Cause I want everything out in the fuckin’ open, that’s why. Gonna be partners, gonna need to trust each other.”

“Partners in the bar.”

He blew out a frustrated breath. “Yeah. In the bar, Stel.” For fuck’s sake. Not just in the goddamn bar...

“What do you need to tell me?”

“Are you interested, or you askin’ just to get it over with?”

“Does it matter? I’m sure I’m going to hear it no matter what.”

“Whatever, Stella.” He flopped to his back again, scraping a hand through his hair. “Jesus fuck.”

He was surprised when she rolled into him this time. Her breasts pressed into his ribs and she planted her hand on his chest. “All the original members of the Fury kept their shit close to the vest. Why do you feel the need to tell me... whatever it is you’re going to tell me?”


