Beyond the Badge – Decker (Blue Avengers MC #3) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Biker, Mafia, MC Tags Authors: Series: Blue Avengers MC Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 125
Estimated words: 121728 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 609(@200wpm)___ 487(@250wpm)___ 406(@300wpm)

Decker pulled his cell phone from the inside pocket of his lined leather jacket and shot Rowdy a quick text: Here.

His answering message came a few minutes later: Stay there. Will come get you when they’re ready for you.

Decker assumed only the officers had to vote on whether he’d get a prospect cut tonight, not the whole membership. But, like considering himself smart, he might be wrong.

Either way, he hoped shit went smoothly and he was handed his prospect rocker without a hitch. If he wasn’t, the task force would have to figure out another way to get their foot in the door of the Uniontown chapter.

He got off the borrowed bike, approached the building, leaned back against it and propped his boot on the wall.

Then he waited.

Chapter Two

“How’d it go?”

“Smoother than I figured it would,” Decker answered Crew.

Crew’s loud hoot in his ear made him wince. “Damn, Deck, you pulled it off.”

“Hell yeah I did. But… what the fuck, you had doubt?”

“Now, why the fuck would I have any doubt about you?” The task force leader snorted, then quickly got serious. “Now what?”

“Got my prospect rocker and Uniontown patch. I need to get a patch made for my prospect name. I’ll also need to get a cut to put them on. Those cheap fuckers didn’t provide any of that.”

“I’ll make arrangements with the guy who did ours. What’s your road name?”


“Hell, that’s not bad. I expected worse.”

“No shit.” Decker was actually pretty damn pleased with that name. He was worried he’d get a lame one, like Shit Stain or something along those lines. “Anyway, the tailor needs to get on that quickly since I need to blend in with the Uniontown crew.”


“Tomorrow night. I’m supposed to present myself to the head of that chapter. I might impress him if I’m already wearing my new cut. It’ll show some enthusiasm.”

“Is that Wolf?”

“They never said. I assumed Wolf was there for the vote last night but no one stepped forward to introduce themselves. It’s not like they’ve read Emily Post’s rules of etiquette. I received no instructions, nothing. Viper only grunted at me to show up in Uniontown tomorrow night. I guess I’ll have to wing it.”

“How long were you there?” Crew asked.

“About four hours. My instinct was to get the fuck out of Dodge as soon as possible but I stuck it out. Shot a couple games of pool. Drank a couple of beers. I kept my mouth shut as much as possible and did a lot of observing to figure out how to fit in better.”

“I bet you did a little toking, too.”

The Demons meeting had no shortage of drugs or alcohol making rounds. “I don’t inhale.”

“Doesn’t matter. Make sure to put it in your daily report to cover your ass.”

“Will do,” Decker responded. “I have a feeling I’ll be adding that to my report every damn day. Of course, they’re not just smoking pot, either.”

“Are they dipping into the meth?”

“Not that I saw. But some of the Demons were mellow. Others wired. No doubt they were snorting some powder.”

“What did Rowdy say?” Crew asked.

“Didn’t ask him. Once he stood up and sponsored me, then the vote went my way, he jetted.” Leaving Decker very tense since he was on his own without any backup.

“What about the other one… Goose?”

“After he and some of the other bikers welcomed me, he disappeared, too.”

“It’s for the better. If one of you gets made, we don’t want the others to come under the microscope.”

“That would make sense except Rowdy told Viper he’s known me for a decade.”


“Yeah. I mean, on one hand it was smart so I’d be accepted by Viper easier. On the other…”

“Right. You now have a connection. All right. Don’t get too friendly with Goose, then, just in case.”

“Shouldn’t be too difficult since I’ll be prospecting in a different chapter.”

“But unlike our MC, they all answer to this Viper and his officers, so don’t be surprised if you deal a lot with members from the mother chapter.”

The Blue Avengers rarely saw members from the club’s other charters—unless some sort of charity event was happening—because they were all independent. But Decker had the feeling that the Demons tended to all gather together often. It was probably one way for Viper and his officers to keep a short leash on the other chapters.

“While I was there, I heard talk about another party on Saturday at that run-down farmhouse. By the way, that place is nowhere near Moundsville. It’s like a half hour south. Why they have their parties there instead of at the mother club, I have no idea. Especially since their church is massive, being an old car dealership. It has plenty of room both inside and out.”

“Doesn’t matter where the party is, go anyway,” Crew instructed. “The sooner they trust you, the better.”


