Betrayal Road – Torpedo Ink Read Online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 141
Estimated words: 129980 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 650(@200wpm)___ 520(@250wpm)___ 433(@300wpm)

“So, what you’re saying is you would get this woman to fall in love with you?” Fatei asked.

“Not necessarily,” Savage denied. “It’s possible for a submissive to spend time with a dominant, give him her trust, but neither falls in love. They can have a long-distance relationship where they meet up every month or two and both are satisfied because their needs are being met.”

“A sexual relationship only?” Fatei pressed.

“For the most part,” Maestro agreed. Instinctively, he knew Azelie would never turn over her trust to any man without being in love with him. He felt it prudent not to mention that.

“In your school, with all the training they put you through, you must have seen submissive girls,” Savage said.

It was Gavriil who answered. “Our school wasn’t exactly the same as the one you attended, Savage. There was training in sex, admittedly all kinds of sex, but it was simply part of the curriculum and not the central theme. We weren’t subjected to pedophiles on a daily basis, female or male. We had instructors who enjoyed inflicting pain, but it wasn’t necessarily sexual. We weren’t exposed to submissives long enough to learn about them or why they are the way they are.”

Savage again answered. “It’s rare to find a true submissive, one willing to give her trust to you more than sexually. It’s even rarer to find someone truly competitive and have that woman give you her complete trust. If she falls in love with you and you’re like I am, you know you have gold. The treasure. You do whatever it takes to keep her and give the best of you in return.”

Maestro wouldn’t have revealed so much information to everyone, but then he tended to keep his mouth shut most of the time. He came alive when he played his music or when he worked with wood. Sometimes, when he was around Czar and Blythe’s children, he found a way to be much more forthcoming, but it was never with information he felt was personal.

He had no trouble sharing his opinion and did so often. He just felt like there was no place for emotions in discussions. When others felt passionate about subjects, he knew he wasn’t going to change their mind—so what was the point of expressing his opinion?

“Do you believe Azelie would be open to having a sexual relationship without any commitment on your part?” Lana asked.

Maestro’s heart dropped. That was the last question he wanted to answer. The policy had always been the members of Torpedo Ink didn’t lie to one another. They didn’t use their gifts on one another, only for one another.

Silence stretched out and tension rose. Maestro finally sighed and shook his head. “I doubt that she’s capable of a relationship only involving sex. I don’t know for certain; that’s just a gut feeling. I only just made contact with her.”

“When are you seeing her again?” There was concern in Czar’s voice.

“Tomorrow night. I’ve made reservations for dinner at a romantic restaurant with a view of the Bay. It wasn’t easy to get that reservation. I had to throw quite a bit of money their way to be first in line for a cancellation. Fortunately, one came up and I was able to get us in.”

“Do you know what kinds of food she eats?” Alena asked. “Is she vegetarian?”

Code answered. “No, she does enjoy fish, and the restaurant is renowned for its fish menu. I gave Maestro all her preferences.”

“We went over the most romantic restaurants with the best menus that she might enjoy,” Keys added. “We didn’t leave anything to chance.”

“Although I almost blew it,” Maestro admitted. “I asked her out and told her what I’d like her to wear and realized after that if she wasn’t spending money on extras, she wouldn’t have a cocktail dress and shoes for the occasion. That would just give her an excuse to get out of going to dinner with me. I’m certain she’s looking for one.”

“How did you handle the problem?” Fatei asked.

“Sent her an apology and bought a dress and shoes and asked Ice to provide jewelry. The dress will look killer on her. Very feminine, silver, clingy, but good taste. She’ll look sexy in it, but I’m hoping she won’t feel on display.”

Lana’s eyebrow shot up. “You aren’t testing her right off the bat?”

“Everything is a test with a submissive, Lana,” Maestro said. “If she chooses to wear the dress and heels for me, she’s passed the test. She doesn’t dress this way as a rule. In fact, she covers up her figure. Asking her to wear the dress and heels is going to take her out of her comfort zone. If she wears them for me and doesn’t cancel, I think I have a very good chance with her. She’s a pleaser. She should want to do the things I ask because she wants to make me happy. That’s how it works.”


