Before Us Read Online Jewel E. Ann

Categories Genre: Angst, Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 110
Estimated words: 106798 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 534(@200wpm)___ 427(@250wpm)___ 356(@300wpm)

I giggle. “Well, my following has grown exponentially since I’ve been traveling with Leah. I’m even making some money off my photos. So this bigger following is becoming interested in me and everything about my life. And photos that pique curiosity get more engagement.” I clip my phone to the travel tripod and turn back to Zach. “Spread your legs.”

He smirks and mutters, “Isn’t that supposed to be my line.”

My breath hitches, eyes unblinking. He just said that. It was a joke. I get it. But …

On a nervous laugh, I manage one word. “Funny.” I clear my throat and slip back on my hat. “Put your hands on my waist.”

“If I put them on your ass, it would build more buzz. Right?”

Standing on my knees between his legs, with my camera catching the back of me and the scenery behind Zach, I glance down at him and frown. “If you put your hands on my hips, your wedding band won’t be visible. If you put your hands on my ass, it will build buzz, but not the right kind. I don’t need rumors that I’m married or having a strawberry picnic with a married man.”

Zach's grin fades as he glances down at his left hand. “But you are married,” he whispers.

“Yes,” I say on a hushed breath.

His brow tenses into tight lines as he continues to inspect his ring. “And you are having a picnic with a married man,” he says slowly, like he’s not even saying it to me, rather to himself.


To my knowledge, Zach has only taken his wedding band off once, the day he married me. Until now.

With several twists, he removes it and holds it between his thumb and forefinger, staring. After slipping it into his jeans pocket, he glances up at me, rests his hands on my hips and then moves them to my ass.

I swallow hard.

“Are you going to take the picture?” he asks in a raspy voice.

“Um …” I look at my watch.” Yeah.” Setting the timer on my phone’s camera from my watch, I rest my hands on his shoulders and wait for it to capture the burst of photos. “It’s done. Th-thanks.” I can barely talk past the thick lust in my throat. His hands on my ass have paralyzed me.

“You’re welcome,” Zach whispers, but he doesn’t … remove his hands. “I have…” those immovable hands finally shift, slip … ghost down the back of my legs “…a very…” his fingertips tease the back of my knees “…beautiful wife.”

My chest aches from the violent pounding of my heart, from holding each breath impossibly long before releasing it with as much control as possible. His hands make a slow return to my butt, only this time they’re underneath my dress.

“Zach …” My fingers curl into his shoulders as his curl into my ass—a mix of flesh and pink cotton panties.

“Emersyn …”


Those same three drawn-out syllables, but this time they’re laced with need.

“Help me cross that line,” he says.

Wetting my lips, I nod slowly before he kisses me. I think our driver is staying in the car until we’re done here. I think. I hope.

We kiss for as long as we can, until it’s not enough. Zach drags my panties down my legs as far as they’ll go with me on my knees. He tastes like strawberries and smells like the shampoo from the hotel—a mix of citrus and leather. Sliding the strap of my sundress to the side, he frees my breast, squeezing it, kissing it, teasing my nipple with his teeth.

My brain misfires, thinking of things it shouldn’t think about right now, like the morbid curiosity of wondering if he’s missed the feel of a woman’s breasts in his hands, in his mouth.

I don’t want to think about that.

Claiming his hair with my hands, I force his face to mine, demanding he kiss my mouth again. It settles the chaos in my head—but only temporarily. He lays me down, discarding my panties and kneeling between my legs. His fingers work to unbutton his jeans, and I see it in his eyes. I see it because I’m thinking it too.

We’re thinking about Suzie. What would she think? Would she approve? Is she somewhere watching us?

Zach pauses, and I feel it … I’m losing him. He’s not going to cross this line with me, and there’s nothing I can do but lie here exposed, completely vulnerable with my chest wide open—no protection from his rejection of me. And I’m not even mad because I loved her too. She’s unforgettable which makes him unattainable. At least … his heart will never be mine.

As I roll my head to the side, to hide my emotions, he slides his hands along my inner thighs, bringing my attention back to him. “Do you want me to stop?”


