Ashes Read online Suzanne Wright (The Dark in You #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Funny, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors: Series: Dark in You Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 111986 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 560(@200wpm)___ 448(@250wpm)___ 373(@300wpm)

Knox’s lips curled. “Mouth-wateringly hot? I like that.”

“Yeah? I only speak the truth.” Really, he was out of her league, but Harper wasn’t going to dwell on that. If he said that she was what he wanted, who was she to argue? Still, it would take time for her to get used to his way of life – to all the attention, luxuries, and social power.

Before Knox, she’d never experienced the kind of decadence that he surrounded himself with. The penthouse they stood in was a perfect example. Like the mansion, it was the height of luxury with high ceilings, a marble floor, beautiful paintings, and custom furniture that fit Knox’s elegant, masculine style. It didn’t just have the usual amenities. No, it also had an office, a gym, and a sauna.

Feeling a particularly sharp kick to the hand he’d rested on the side of her stomach, Knox said, “I can’t work out whether that was a greeting or the baby just doesn’t like the pressure of my hand.” In any case, his demon found it amusing.

“Nah, I think the kid is just trying to kick its way out.”

Knox gently massaged her stomach. “It’s amazing to think that in just five weeks, we’ll be able to hold it.” It was a scary yet exhilarating thought, and he was looking forward to it. He was also anxious. He’d heard so many stories of demon births going wrong and he hated the thought of her in pain. Still, he’d never let her see that anxiety – that wasn’t what she needed from him. “The time has flown by so fast.”

“It has, which is surprising because I expected to feel as if the whole time dragged. You know, I’m also kind of surprised that a being who’s as old and sexually active as you are doesn’t already have at least one kid.”

“I’ve always been extremely careful to use protection. I don’t think I could have trusted anyone other than you to carry and care for my child.” His demon certainly couldn’t have.

“Don’t be sweet. You’ll make me cry.”

He curled a hand around her chin. “Don’t cry. I hate seeing you cry, even when I know it’s just hormones at work.”

“Then get back to the current matter and distract me.”

“Okay. The parade itself won’t take long. We’ll do a quick lap of the Underground —”

“Tell me we’re not riding in a sparkly float,” she begged.

He chuckled. “Not a sparkly float. After we’ve finished the lap, we’ll go to the Ice Lounge and relax there for the rest of the celebration. I’ve no doubt that people will come talk to you, but at least you’ll be sitting comfortably and be well-guarded when they do.”

“Can Jolene, my family, and the girls meet us there?”

“Yes, I’ve already put them on the VIP guest list. They should already be in the VIP section by the time we get there.”

“Thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me. You’re mine. I’ll always give you what you need.” He felt the baby move again. This time, it was as if it rolled beneath his hand. “This little one sure is active tonight.”

“Like I said, it wants out.”

“In five weeks, it will get its wish.” He kissed her and spoke against her mouth, “Love you, baby.”

“And I love you.” Hearing a ping, Harper twisted to look at the private elevator that was a direct entrance into the suite. The doors slid open, revealing all four sentinels looking smart and alert.

“Everything’s in place,” Levi told them. “Time to go.”

“We’re ready.” Knox threaded his fingers through hers and led her through the spacious entryway and into the elevator. The sentinels backed against the four walls to make room, all giving them brief nods.

As the shiny metal doors closed behind them, Harper let out a breath. “Looking good, guys.” The sentinels each shot her an impatient glance. “Sorry, sorry, you’re concentrating on looking scary and unapproachable. Don’t worry; you’ve got that down.”

The elevator hummed as they descended. It came to a very smooth halt with a chime, and the doors then slid open once again. Without a word, two sentinels took the lead while the others took up the rear as they all walked through the reception area and out of the automatic doors.

Harper gave a low whistle at the sight she found. Many people were waiting, all dressed up in glitzy costumes. There were acrobats, cheerleaders, stilt walkers, dance troops, and baton and flag twirlers. Even better, there were a bunch of demons on Harley Davidsons. Harper was totally jealous that she couldn’t ride one of those… right up until she realized that Knox was leading her to a beautiful carriage that was pulled by two white, fine-boned horses.

“Wow,” she breathed. Harper inhaled. She loved the smell of horses – hay, wood chips, sunshine, dust, and a hint of leather.


