Total pages in book: 39
Estimated words: 36632 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 183(@200wpm)___ 147(@250wpm)___ 122(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 36632 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 183(@200wpm)___ 147(@250wpm)___ 122(@300wpm)
Sonya continued to smile. She must have felt my cock growing hard where it rested against her thigh because her eyes got wide, then she slipped her arms around my neck. “So… do you want a repeat?”
It felt like someone tossed a bucket of ice water in my face. I jerked back and practically jumped out of bed. “Holy fuckin’ hell!” I shoved myself away from her and stood, pulling up my boxers in a couple of jerky motions. I gave her a pointed look meant to chastise her like the naughty little girl she’d been. And, oh, my God, I was going to hell for that thought! “No more of that!” Took everything I had not to tack “young lady” at the end.
There was a brief flash of hurt in her expression before she smirked and rested her arm on her hip as she lay on her side. “Up to you. I figure if we’ve still got a couple of days before we leave, we might as well do something besides sit on the ground with our eyes shut… breathing.” She sat up and reached for her shirt, turning her body away from me as she shrugged into the garment. She gave me a little wave. “See you in the morning, Archangel.” The smile she flashed was meant to be cocky and confident. Instead, I thought I saw hurt and doubt. Then she opened the door and was gone.
I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. My cock was still leaking cum and was rapidly getting hard again. Fuck! How the fuck had I let this happen? Being half asleep was no excuse. There is no way I should have been so caught up in the pleasure I forgot where I was and who I was with. I’d told her we were locked in this place, and I’d meant it. No one came in or out without my knowledge. So, had I listened to that little feeling in the back of my brain, I’d have realized who was in my bed. The truth was, I hadn’t wanted to know who was sucking my dick. Because knowing would have meant stopping her sweet mouth from taking my cum.
For the first time in a very long time, I was at a loss as to what to do. Where my instinct had been telling me to stop before, now it was telling me to go after Sonya. To keep her now that I’d made her mine. I could deal with Thorn. My problem was not knowing what she wanted. So yes. We were going to have to talk about this sooner rather than later.
I took a breath and held it, trying to locate that inner calm I’d been trying to teach Sonya about. There was no peace to be found. Not while Sonya wasn’t in my arms.
I opened the door to my cabin just as the door to hers clicked shut. She hadn’t slammed it or even hurried to her private space, instead taking her time and quietly shutting herself inside. I did hear the snick of the lock as I took the first step onto her porch.
“Sonya? Open up.”
“I’m sorry, Archangel. Now the adrenaline’s gone, I’m really tired.”
“Me too. Open up.” I knocked several times on the door for emphasis.
“Please, can you just let me be? I’m sorry I came to your cabin. I won’t do it again.” Yeah. That wasn’t happening. I could definitely hear the hurt and regret in her voice and I wasn’t having it.
“Open. Up.” I put some force behind the command. I hoped it would get her back up. She’d deal with me better if she was angry or stubborn than she would if she was feeling vulnerable. Because now that I’d had time to replay a few of the events leading to this point, I knew she might not have been a virgin but wasn’t much more than that.
I heard her heave out an exasperated sigh before unlocking and opening the door. “Are you always so fucking stubborn?” Her upturned face was a mask of indifference and annoyance, but a mask was all it was.
“Nope. I’m usually worse. Let me in.”
She stepped back and gestured inside. Our cabins were the same. Other than the bed, there was a small table with two chairs and not much else. I took a seat at the table and indicated for her to do the same.
“Do you mind if I go to the bathroom first?”
I winced, but nodded. “Of course. Take your time.” I had to be careful here. Really fucking careful.
She disappeared into the bathroom, and I scrubbed a hand over my face. I’d really fucked this to shit and back. I had to find a way to fix this, more for Sonya’s sake than my own. I’d take whatever Thorn dished out because I could have stopped fucking her at any time. But I didn’t want her getting hurt more than she already had been. She deserved a better man than me. Someone she could grow old with. While I knew I’d never look at another woman as long as I lived, she had her whole life ahead of her. The last thing she needed was a man twice her age.