Adoration (Montavio Brotherhood #2) Read Online Jane Henry

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Dark, Mafia Tags Authors: Series: Montavio Brotherhood Series by Jane Henry

Total pages in book: 72
Estimated words: 68628 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 343(@200wpm)___ 275(@250wpm)___ 229(@300wpm)

“Is the water cold?”

“Not in August. Should be nice and warm by now, after all those hot days.” I reach the shore and slide her down.

“Anyone watching me?”

“Sorry to disappoint, but no.” I look at her sternly. “I know you like that, but I don’t play that way. I told you you’re mine. There’s no exhibitionism.”

“Good,” she says, as she reaches for the crumpled tee and whips it off.

“Christ.” I watch her run with abandon toward the waves, her hair flying in the wind, my handprints stark against her perfect, heart-shaped ass. I shake my head, strip, and run after her.

As soon as I’m close enough, she splashes me so hard I’m completely drenched.

“Oh, you little brat,” I mutter and dive. I dunk her in the water, and she comes up sputtering and squealing, her hair in her eyes, a clump of seaweed clinging to her head.

“Look! I found my veil,” she says as she plucks it off her head.

I reach for her, and she almost eludes my grasp, but I’m too fast. I loop my arm around her waist and drag her to me as the waves crash on shore and the undertow curls sand between our toes.

Her legs are laced around my waist when I trace her jawline with my fingers. She smiles against my lips and melts against me. Her eyes close when I brush my lips to hers, the taste of saltwater mingling with champagne.

As we kiss, I snag the sarong and loop it around her wrists.

“Ooh, I see what you did there, Adriano!” She tries to pull away but can’t.

I hold her over my shoulder and walk back to the beach and then the cabana, where I find a thick, cream-colored blanket to spread on the warm sand. I lay her down and lift her wrapped wrists above her head.

I lift her hand and remove her wedding ring. I trail it across her naked chest, and she hisses in a breath when it scrapes against her nipples. I bend and lick them, one at a time.

She parts her legs.

We don’t speak as I replace the ring on her finger and glide my length between her legs. She’s soft and fragile beneath me. When she’s completely at my mercy, I enter her slowly, savoring the feel of her warmth, the intimacy of being so close. I’m so hard I groan with relief when the walls of her sex grip my cock.

“Fuccck, baby,” I groan when she wraps her legs around me. “Jesus.”

She moans with each undulation of our hips, arching her back to meet my thrusts fully. With each thrust, her delicious sounds of pleasure spur me to my own release. Her body rocks beneath mine, and even though I’m on top, controlling this, every breath she takes holds me in rapture.

“Oh God, yes,” she moans as her back arches and she screams in ecstasy. Her bliss becomes mine as my own climax consumes me. I empty myself in her, holding her to me as she loses herself to pleasure beneath me. It’s forever and not long enough, surreal being held in rapture together like this.

Fuck me.

I collapse next to her on the blanket.

Our breathing slows down together. I reach for her wrists and untie them. The second she’s free, she wraps her arms around me.

“Thank you. My God, it was like you were reading my mind, that was so perfect.” I push the guilty feeling away and hold her to me. “Okay, now I can sleep.” She reaches over and ruffles my hair.

“If you can sleep, so can I.”

“Good. Don’t you have to, like, check in with Sergio or something?” She smiles and closes her eyes.

I prop myself up on my elbow. “Did you just seduce me because we were on a deadline?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know! Did you really think I didn’t know the Montavio rules? Sex isn’t the tricky part for me. I mean, you sure know how to fuck a woman and make her scream your name, Adriano Bruno—I mean Lombardi—wait, no, D’Angelo.” She winks at me and giggles.

I’m suddenly entirely sober. “How do you know those names?”

“Uhhh…” She bites her lip. “Isn’t that, like, common knowledge?”

“No.” I stand and take her hand. “Tell me, Quinn.”

“I maybe looked in your wallet? See, the good thing about me is I do not know how to tell a lie!”

“Did you see anything else?” I ask. Jesus Christ, I’ve got to be more careful. I hold her by the shoulders. “Did you?”

“I saw a receipt from a jewelry shop for a shit ton of money, and like a little slip of paper.”

She doesn’t know what the paper means, she can’t.

I exhale and tell myself to calm down. I’ll scare her.

I give her another small shake, not to hurt her but to make sure I have her attention. “Snoop again, and I will absolutely take my belt to your ass and this time you won’t come when I’m done. Do you understand me?”


