A Villain’s Lies Read Online T.L. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Dark, Erotic, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 60
Estimated words: 58808 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 294(@200wpm)___ 235(@250wpm)___ 196(@300wpm)

“Stunning,” he replies.

My brows narrow. Grayson doesn’t give compliments. He is more…

“Yeah. Should I try on the rest?” she asks.

“If you want, but you know I think you look amazing in everything.”

I refuse to look back at this stranger behind me.

When he speaks to me, I see Grayson. But when he talks to her, I see someone I don’t know. Maybe I never really knew him.

“Okay, the others are pretty too. Give me a few minutes. I want to try them all on.”

“Okay, honey.”

She claps her hands and runs into the dressing room. When she’s gone, I look back over my shoulder to Grayson and mouth, “Honey?” He says nothing but allows his eyes to zoom in on me with a look of pure unadulterated hatred.

So much hate.

I would say the word detest is not strong enough either.

I shake my head and decide to ignore him.

That’s the smart thing to do, right?

Walking up to the dressing room, I give a soft knock before speaking, “Do you want me to pick anything else?”

“No.” She hands me a dress. “I’ll take that one. And I may take a few more depending on how I feel, you never know.” She winks.

She must have money or…

I look back to Grayson, whose flaring nostrils and flexing of fingers into a fist show an exasperated expression on his face.

Sucking in a deep breath, I step past Grayson and hear him mumble something under his breath.

“What did you say?” I stop and look back at him.

A slow and steady smirk covers his lips. “You look good, Avani.”

“Thank you.” I give him a nod and continue to the front counter. When I get to the register, I prepare the dress, adding tissue paper and sliding it into its protective bag as I hear her voice again.

Glancing up, I see her place a soft kiss on his lips. He doesn’t pull back or tell her to go away. Instead, he kisses her back before she spins around and heads straight to the dressing room. The minute she is in there, he glances over his shoulder to me, then winks and looks back as she holds out the dress she took off for him. Grayson takes it and walks over to me, my heart beating out of my chest with each step he takes.

Can he hear the beating of my heart?

Would it be loud enough?

I hope to God it’s not.

I don’t want to give myself away.

When Grayson reaches me, he places the dress on the counter, and his eyes find mine. “Are you always late to this job as well?” A bit of humor laces his question and I internally smile.

I take the dress and prepare it the same way as the other one.

“No,” I answer and look up at him. He raises a brow in surprise as he nods.

“So you did it to piss me off, like everything else.”

My mouth opens to say something, but I close it again when she steps up beside him.

I don’t even know her name.

I think I did at the beginning, but I’ve let it go because all I can see is him.

Standing there is a different man from the one I knew a year ago.

Her hand slides around his waist as she leans her head on his shoulder.

“I’m getting both. We couldn’t decide,” she gushes, looking to Grayson.

“What my baby wants, she gets,” Grayson says with so much, urgh… Who knows what that was?

I hold back the gag, just barely.

“Charlotte, do you need anything else?” he asks, not looking my way.


She kind of looks like a Charlotte too. If there is a way to look like one. I guess what I really mean is it suits her.

“No, I think this will be perfect for tonight.”

“Good.” Grayson smiles at her. She doesn’t look back at me as she leans on him. He does, though.

His eyes haunt me in more ways than one.

I wish I could rid myself of them.

I hate that I wake up dreaming about him.

Dreams that are both good and bad.

“How would you like to pay?” I direct to Grayson.

“You can add it to my daddy’s account,” Charlotte says, meeting my eyes.

“Nonsense, I got it.” Grayson hands over his credit card, and I take it. Then, swiping it with no issue, I hand it back to him. He doesn’t thank me, but she does as he grabs both dresses, and they exit the shop.

Grayson doesn’t look back, and she yells her thanks, but her eyes stay on him.

My stare remains fixed on the door even after it closes. My body wants to run over and lock the door, yet I stare at it, unsure what to do.

“Avani.” I turn around as one of the other sales associates walks out of the back. “You good to close? I’m gonna head out.” I wave her off as she takes the back exit.


